Wednesday, July 6, 2011


we knew this day would come.

Rogan woke up this morning, and was talking to himself in his crib which was usual. He was saying "wa ouuuuu" (want out), "wa dooooow" (want down), but he wasn't fussing and I knew Ryan would be done getting ready soon, so I gathered my stuff and started heading out the door.

Two feet from the door I hear "thump thump thump" on Rogan's door... I look up, and see his doornob wiggling (we keep his door closed at night). all I think is... "oh, crap."

I drop my stuff, go up there, open the door (there have been several more bangs as I walk up there), and there's my little man, all smiles, and very proud of himself. He runs out of the room and laughs. well, darn it.

I take him into our bedroom and sit with him while Ryan finishes shaving... my head is still spinning a little bit on what our next move should be.

Toddler bed? he's not even 17 months!! will he keep doing it? am I 100% positive his room is safe? can he open the door? I need to go buy more gates.

From what I've read this isn't cause for panic or immediate change. If he continues to climb out this week we will take off the front crib rail and replace it with a 6 inch guard rail so he can get in and out of bed, but won't roll off in his sleep.

I'm not so sure we are ready for this change. But from what I've read the other option is putting a net over the crib... and that's not my style. So maybe a toddler bed is in our near future. eeek!

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