Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Well that's new...

Rogan didn't want to take a bath tonight. He was exhausted, hadn't taken an afternoon nap, and of course, teething. Ryan put him in the bath and it sounded like he was being tortured! Trust me, the water was the perfect temp if anyone is thinking that. No, he just didn't want to be in there. I ran up, and I got in the bath... In my clothes, a mom does what she needs to. He clung to me so tight, definitely wanting out.

When he realized I wasn't getting him out, he moved onto wanting Ryan. Ryan got a towel and got him out. I hung out in the bath while Rogan was getting dried off, his head firmly on ryan's shoulder. So cute.

So Rogan got a rinse tonight... And we didn't brush his teeth. Boo. As much as he was crying I didn't have the heart to brush his teeth, he just wanted his crib. We will try again tomorrow.

Hurry up teeth.

1 comment:

  1. B has been teething for 3 months (feels like 10 years) and no signs of a tooth what so ever. I'm half convinced he will go through life with no teeth! He's not a crier but he gets the worst diaper rashes!
