Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I've been a bad blogger and haven't put up anything since we went to St. Louis. But we've been busy! So here's a recap, and pics are below.
Channa graduated from HS
Kara graduated from college
Charla graduated from 8th grade
We went to Grants Farm, Montelle Winery, and hung out with family.
Came home, had most of our first floor painted
Date night, and Rogan fun.

Rogan's New Hobby

Our friend's Lauren and Joe got Rogan a little mower for his first birthday. I really think pushing it around helped him learn how to walk. But now that he can walk... even run at times, pushing the mower gets a little tiring, and he'd rather do this. Note, he's smart. When he wants to be pushed he squats near the mower and then points to me. "huh?" he asks? And then we ride...

It has also become our new lounge chair

Ryan and I had a great double date with Lauren and Joe on Sunday night (yay 3 day weekend!). We went to dinner and then saw Bridesmaids, which we all thought was pretty funny. As I was getting dressed for the evening, Ryan thought the outfit below was too dressed up for our evening. But my reply was "I don't get out much", and didn't change clothes. Ryan was going to take a picture of me to send it to Lauren so that she could dress accordingly, but never did. When we met at dinner we realized just another reason we're friends. Purple and black are so hot this year.

Rogan Cannot be Trusted...

... with a whole box of Teddy Grahams yet.


Dinner in the City!

My fabulous sister as we enjoyed the night with a great view of the city.

Kara and Grandma
Getting Dark!!

Bedtime with Mimi and Aunt Kara

Before we went to dinner, my mom and Kara spent some quality pre-bed time with Rogan. Chilling out and watching Oso on the iPad...

It's highly appropriate that I caught Mom brushing her hair in this pick. A necessary routine that is done before entering and leaving any place. Love you, Mom!!!

Kara's COLLEGE Graduation

Ahhhh Wash U Graduation.... memories! Thursday was her Arts and Sciences College Grad Ceremony... So all 900 graduates walked across the stage... Where's Kara???

Lining up to walk!!
Fond Professor from Thurtene Honorary... i think.


Activities in St. Louis

We went to Montelle Winery with Ryan's dad... great wine, great view.

Rogan liked running around on the patio deck

Out to lunch ... first try at Ms. Pac-man.

I think this is the only family shot we took while we were in St. Louis. I wasn't good at remembering to take our camera on our adventures. Fail. But I always had diapers, snacks, and a sip cup handy!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spoons and Cups

Rogan is pretty good at forks. Stab, pick up, shove in mouth, repeat! Spoons on the other hand... well, food doesn't stay on spoons as easy. Especially when you lift the spaghetti over your head...

And then you rub it all over your face...

Ditch fork... use fingers...

Plus side of getting dirty... I get to strip and relax with Dad at the computer

I also have a new love of cups... nesting them, a more recently laying them all out on the floor and knocking them against each other... see videos for reference...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Swimming Lessons!

Getting ready to get in...

Going to jump into Mommy...

Paddling around with Dad...