Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Mom will be Proud!!

This week I am cleaning!!

Yesterday I took off work, did 6 loads of laundry. And almost all of it got folded. Tonight it will.

I also bought 2 more bins for Rogan's old clothes. That child has so many clothes! I've filled 3 large tubs with old clothes that don't fit any more.

So a note to future purchases for our second son... he does not need many clothes! We have plenty! Clothes we won't have are "little/big brother" clothes, which I think are super cute. And matching clothes for Rogan and Baby #2, which I also think is super cute. hehe.

So Rogan finally has a dresser full of clothes that fit, socks that are matched, and all of it is clean.

Our room, the disaster area where clothes and junk goes to die and be buried for eternity is also in better shape. Last night Ryan and I put many clothes away in their rightful spot, and changed our sheets (i love our new winter flannel sheets!). You can see our floor, which needs to be vacuumed. And it will!

Tonight's task is to tackle downstairs. All the toys need to be unboxed and organized so all the trash can be put out tonight/tomorrow morning. That will make our 1st floor look much more put together.

Ahh cleaning... not sure if it's nesting or just that it needs to get done!! But very happy about yesterday's progress.


  1. Hey girl I use space bags for Sofia's clothes. I got the giant bags and labeled each bag by the size (i.e. 0-3 months, 6 months, 12 months, etc.) Then sucked out all the air and shoved them under the crib in the baby's room. It's great because I can pull out the bags by size and they take up little space!

  2. Thanks Nat! That's a great idea. Now I know what I want for Valentines Day!
