Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Bedtime Dance

It has to be me. Currently, if I'm in the house, I'm putting Rogan to bed. And I'm getting up in the middle of the night. 1) because Ryan doesn't hear him through the monitor and 2) because Rogan screams for me if he tries and it's harder to listen to that than just do it myself. But it's wearing on me. After 3 months, I'm tired. And now on top of it I'm uncomfortable and moody and don't want to be pregnant anymore. So I'm grumpy. And the dance that Rogan makes us do... Ugh! Moving me from one side of the bed to the other, rearranging pillows, blankie and then no blankie, talking, singing, sitting up, laying down, rolling, and heaven forbid there is a toy or stuffed animal to also throw into the mix. Oh, and occasionally he rolls with all his might and we bonk heads really hard, which sucks so bad. This dance the past few night has taken over 45 minutes. 45 min of me laying there uncomfortable, and I can't yell cause that won't help anything, so he just does his thing, and I'm stuck. Until he's asleep, then I pull my huge pregnant self off his bed and out the door. Not a fan.

Tonight just wasn't the night for it. I wasn't in the mood. I love you, but go to bed, and stop rolling on top of me and handing me pillows you demand to be put back where they were 2 seconds later. So now I'm an even more moody mess than I was before. Argh... Going to bed. Hopefully tomorrow I'm in a better mood.

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