Friday, February 17, 2012

Clever Boy

remember in Jurassic Park, where the park worker is hunting the velociraptors that escaped, and when he realized he's been hunted, and is about to be eaten he says, "clever girl", in this awesome british accent. That's how I'm saying the above title.

Rogan slept all night last night. YAY! though he refused to go to sleep for Ryan, who tried for an HOUR with no success starting at 8pm. I went up to take a turn at 9pm, thinking if I was Ryan I'd be about at the end of my rope (though he says he was fine), and he was fast asleep for me in 15 mins. He's definitely being a mama's boy right now. But I'm glad he went to bed, regardless.

He woke up at 5:07am... not cool! I tried to go in his room and get him to go back to bed. He wasn't having it. Instead he was out in the hall saying... "mommy?? glasses?? please??"

This is HILARIOUS to me. Because before we go downstairs in the morning I always say "ok, hang on, I have to get my glasses". His response is always "yay!! glasses!!", knowing that this means I'm awake and he's allowed to be awake too. So Rogan begging me to get my glasses this morning was just too clever. He was trying a different tact. Not the usual "i want gabba/blue/oso/mickey", or "i want juice", or "i want to go down there" (this being his go-to phrase). Now he realized that before any of those requests can be answered... glasses must be gotten. haha.

clever boy. at least he says please.


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