Friday, November 18, 2011

Mommy, a Walk???

Rogan is very into "mommy". If given the choice between ryan and myself, I will be drafted. it is inevitable. there have been times where rogan will physically take ryan's hand to lift him off a chair, and take my hand and shove me IN that same chair. this is then followed by "uppey?", meaning he would like to sit with me, and 99% of the time i oblige.

Though this mommy-centric attitude does make it hard for me to get things done. cleaning, dinner, going to the bathroom, usually involve a little boy on my leg, throwing a tantrum, or pounding on a door.

I/We have been trying to get Rogan to do more stuff with Ryan, and let me sit for a bit at night. On Tuesday night it was great. We had a great play time after dinner, and there were bouts where I was on the couch and Rogan and Ryan were on the floor. yay.

But usually when I try to sneak away for a moment, Rogan finds me within minutes. He grabs my finger, pulls, and says "a walk". meaning he wants me to come with him wherever he wants to play. it's the cutest thing, and 99% of the time i go with him and see what he wants to do. But I have to admit there are times when i DONT want to go on a walk... I want to sit here. I want YOU to play with DADDY.

I should also mention that Rogan plays awesome with Ryan when I'm not around. If I go run errands, work late, take a nap, they are great. out of sight, out of mind, i guess. So if I really need a break, up to our bedroom I go. And Ryan is wonderful allowing me to do so.

I can't wait to get home tonight and do more playing as a family. If I have to guess... Rogan and I will go on about 10 "walks" tonight. :)

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