Monday, October 4, 2010

Off to Phoenix I Go…

This weekend was great. Ryan worked with his dad in our yard and pulled up a tree. The front of our house looks so much better now. You can actually see it! Rogan did great, playing with Grandad and still attempting, then failing to crawl. He had a couple of battling moments, probably just too tired. The kid plays HARD. If he’s awake he is jumping, stomping, trying to pull up, trying to crawl, or hitting something. WHEW! And 2nd tooth bud appeared yesterday. It’s barely there, but hopefully it won’t cause him as much trouble from now on.

Tomorrow afternoon I leave for Phoenix, AZ, and will be there until Friday afternoon. I’m going for work, it’s the Deutsche Bank High Yield and Leveraged Finance Conference. I’m a late replacement for my boss whose father-in-law just passed away. I’m thrilled that I was their go-to girl in a pinch. And I know that this is definitely a part of my job I need to embrace. Networking is such a big part of finance, so I get to SUIT UP and schmooze with the best of them. So I’m really looking forward to the trip, but dreading being away from home for 3 nights. Ryan and Rogan will have a blast, I’m sure. But the mom/wife side of me feels so guilty for putting all of the house and Rogan duties on Ryan. He is quite a handful when he wants to be. But Ryan tells me they’ll do great (which I know is true), and he’s completely excited to get to play Xbox all night since I won’t be around.

I hope to get some good “tooth” pics of Rogan soon. His 1st is just long enough now that when he smiles just right you can see it.

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