Friday, September 17, 2010

Gearing up for the Weekend!

ILL-INI!!! We're heading down to Champaign for the Illini game tomorrow. I'm excited since we haven't been to Champaign since June. My mom is staying with Rogan while Ryan, my dad, and I go to the game. Should be a pretty mellow day. The 2+ hour drive is almost the perfect distance for Rogan to get a good nap without being fussy. THEN... if he goes to sleep on time Ryan and I might catch a late movie, then back to Naperville early Sunday for a day of much needed cleeeeeeaning. Laundry... must do (and put AWAY!!!) laundry.

Not too much is new in Rogan-world... we are moving right along introducing him to all the vegetables, and we'll start fruits really soon. So far we haven't come across anything he won't eat. Peas, green beans, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes... all good! Every day we get closer and closer to crawling, but so far going forward remains a mystery. He is a PRO at turning in circles, though. His new thing at bedtime to get himself comfortable he spins himself so he's facing the opposite way and falls asleep on his blanket, with his legs completely sticking out of the crib where his head should be. It's a tricky task turning him around without waking him... but by then he's usually fast asleep and doesn't mind one bit.

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