Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bottles vs. Nursing

When Rogan was a newborn, he wanted nothing to do with nursing.  He was never great at it, and after he had jaundice and we had to supplement him with formula, there was no changing his mind.  So I pumped for 10 weeks and then he was given formula until he turned 1. 

Reid is the complete opposite.  A nursing champ, and always has been.  I wanted to keep it that way, so we didn't give him a bottle until he was 4 weeks old, and now, he's 12 weeks, and he's still not a huge fan.  argh. 

And because I had 1 boy who did nurse and 1 who didn't, I totally don't judge ANYONE who does one or the other.  Really.  Sometimes nursing works, othertimes it doesn't.  And that's ok.  It's a personal decision everyone has to make themselves, and sometimes it's out of your hands.  And they shouldn't be pressured to do one or the other.  I felt a ton of pressure when Rogan wouldn't nurse.  And a sense of "failing" that I think really hindered me from enjoying his first few weeks.  And look at him... he's FINE.  More than fine, the kid's awesome and smart and funny.  ok, back the the post.

I feel like he's slowly getting better, especially with Ryan and I.  He'll usually take a bottle from me, maybe a little more of a fuss from Ryan, but he'll drink at least SOME.

But at daycare he's definitely not drinking a lot.  4 oz typically in a span of 10 hours... that's not enough.  it should be more like 10-12.  I haven't weighed him since he started at daycare, but he doesn't seem to be losing any weight.  So that puts my mind slightly at ease.  And he nurses in the evenings and throughout the night so I know then he's getting all he needs.  But it's FRUSTRATING!  I don't like knowing that my baby is possible hungry all day.  EAT, LITTLE BOY, EAT!  I have been assured that he's not crying all day (thank goodness), and he's generally a happy baby.  And he is all those things when he's with me, too.  So I don't think any damage is being done by him not taking a bottle well.  Hrmph. 

He will be 3 months next week, and at 4 months we will start introducing rice cereal and eating from a spoon.  So even if he still hates bottles then, at least he'll get a little more by being spoon fed then.

Then the other issue is:  when can I stop nursing?  I love the ease of it in the middle of the night.  Yes, we bond, but I don't think it's any more of a bond than I had while feeding Rogan a bottle.  The closeness is still there with both.  And while it's super easy to nurse him in the middle of the night rather than make a bottle, it's a PAIN other time.  (TMI warning) It's messy!  Pumping at work is annoying.  Having to wear tops with support or bras at all time is annoying.  Having your boobs HURT because you've been away from your kid/pump too long is annoying.  So when will I stop???  Well I definitely can't stop until Reid likes bottles a lot more.  Do I wait until he sleeps through the night so I don't have to make bottles half asleep?  hmm.  I'm just taking it 1 week at a time. 

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