Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Adult Time / Parent Time

First ... Reid ate 10 OUNCES at daycare on Friday.  He usually eats about 4, so this was HUGE.  Way to go lil man.  (Monday (yesterday) he ate 5, but still more than the norm, so I'll take it!)

Yesterday Ryan and I took off work.  Our kids still went to daycare.  We went and saw Dark Knight Rises in IMAX at 9am.  After we had a relaxing sit down breakfast.  And we followed the movie with a relaxing sit down lunch (adult beverages included).  It was so nice to talk.  So nice to just be us.  So nice to not be responsible for any one else, for just that short time.  We have been very lucky that our family is close enough that they usually babysit for us when they come into town so Ryan and I can get out for dinner or a movie.  It really helps reset everything.  I missed the boys a ton.  But I also got an awesome nap, a nap with no baby monitor to wake me up.  And it was great sleep.  I think getting out to do adult activities away from your kids is important.  Important to parents' sanity and to a marriage. 

After our morning / early afternoon of independence, the boys were picked up and we were back in family mode.  Both boys are a bit Mommy-centric.  Rogan just flat out prefers me to Ryan right now, and I know that's hard for Ryan.  Rogan will yell at Ryan, saying things like "no, not YOU!!", "go away!!", and the inevitable "i want mommy".  We are trying to work on this.  And I think it's gotten a tad bit better, but not a lot.  And Reid is still nursing, so that requires me too.  So I take whoever needs me the most, and Ryan runs defense, dealing with a possibly upset boy who's not with me.  When the boys are around, and now that we have 2, both of us are pretty much always in "parent mode". 

Parent mode:  hearing improves to listen for curious toddler getting into things they shouldn't be or babies starting to fuss.  eyesight improves to react quickly and tell curious toddlers that they should NOT be doing whatever they are doing.  reflexes like a cat: to catch whatever is being knocked over.

Last night Rogan put both Ryan and I through the ringer, deciding he was "not sleepy anymore" at 1:30am.  ugh.  His mid-night desires included:  juice (ok), being rocked while standing (ok until my arms give out), sleeping in our bed (errr... no), going downstairs (NO!), and the ipad (which we eventually gave to get him to lay back down in bed).  It took over 2 hours to get him back to sleep.  He's only done this a few times.  He's usually a very good sleeper.  So my night was:  asleep at 10pm, Reid up to eat at 12am, Rogan up at 1:30, Reid up to eat at 3:30 (Rogan yelled at Ryan most of the time), Rogan asleep at 3:40, me asleep at 4 (after my nerves settled back down), alarm goes of at 5:20 for work.  yuck... yawn.

but... after all that... i still really miss them right now.  ahh the joys of parent time.

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