Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Yep... Sick again.

Poor boy cant catch a break. He had a fever yesterday afternoon, around 101. I was getting frustrated since he's been sick so often lately, so Ryan stayed home with him this morning and called the nurse, who agreed we should come in. I thought his ear infection returned, wrong. Ears are clear. He has a cold, but his lungs are fine. His throat is red, which explains why he grabs at it, but nothing worth needing antibiotics. They said if he still has a fever after 72 hours to call back, and until then just push fluids and Tylenol or motrin. So now it's just wait and see until Thursday. If he's not better we will go back.

His fever is under control with meds, and he's been drinking juice and formula like a champ. He ate breakfast for Ryan, and some late lunch/early dinner for me. But this is the first time in his life he's been lethargic. He didn't want to play or even crawl, just wanted to snuggle. Today he played a little more, but still very snuggly.

Hoping the fever breaks tonight, he's been sleeping a ton, I know his body needs it.

But as much as it is an inconvenience for Rogan to be sick, I'm truly grateful he is as healthy as he is. I read another family's blog, the father swam with ryan at siu, their son was born 12 weeks early, and at 5 months old is still battling his 3rd round of bacterial meningitis. The woman who writes that blog posts frequently and is very open, and my heart goes out to them, and then I say a prayer in my mind for their child and thanking God for my healthy happy boy. Not everyone gets this pleasure. Not everyone gets to hold their child at 3am and rock him back to sleep, or crawl all over the house chasing each other on a sick day instead of crunching numbers at work. As I write this Rogan is sleeping, the heat is up in the house for him so I'm sweating, and there is spit up on my shirt from his bedtime bottlle... I wouldn't have it any other way.

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