6:35am: first sounds from Rogan's room. THIS WAS AWESOME. Considering he typically starts waking between 5:30 and 5:45... I loved this extra time asleep. Now time for morning bottle.
Then morning playtime and breakfast! Played all over the house, upstairs, downstairs, crawling, walking (with help), dancing.
8am... getting a little sleepy... put down for a nap.
8:45am... he falls asleep. 45 minutes of rolling around talking, laughing, whining, but not crying.
9:15am... wakes up. WHY! 30 minutes?? that's it? c'mon. and now he's grouchy. ugh. wanted to go to the Children's Museum this morning before lunch, guess not. We'll go on a coffee run and to Target instead to test him, cause if he's a mess at least I can leave Target without being mad I just paid money to get into the Museum.
11am... home from Target, he did fine, a little bit more playing, afternoon bottle, and lunch.
12pm... nap. he's totally sleepy. we go in his room, turn out the lights, turn on music, head instantly on shoulder, ready for a nap. he still takes about 20 minutes to fall asleep. argh.
1:15pm... up again! he slept almost an hour. alright, he seems rested and happy, I'll take it. off to the museum we go!
1:45pm - 3:15pm Dupage Children's Museum. It was a lot of fun. Most of it is designed for 3+ kids, but there are 3 areas for toddlers and babies. Rogan had a lot of fun. A few kids stole his toys, he didn't seem to mind. He crawled OVER a few kids, they didn't seem to mind. I think we'll be going back there before his birthday at least.
3:45pm... home, snack and water, time for a nap... PLEASE. I want one too!
4:45pm... up, hungry. FEED ME MOMMY!! dinner time for Rogan.
5:15pm - 6pm... Evening playing. This is part of our everyday routine. I pick him up from daycare, we come home, have dinner, then run around the house playing until Ryan gets home or bedtime.
6:15pm... rubbing our eyes. Ack! too early! Stay up til 7?? please? No. The tired whine (it's very high pitched) commences, and he wants nothing to do with his toys. time for bedtime bottle. he's not interested, just wants to sleep.
6:30pm... out like a light.
WHEW! so that's it. for anyone who's curious about life Rogan. Now time for me to go clean... when we're home all day the house gets so much dirtier than during the week when we both work and Rogan is at daycare! Hopefully it takes 30 minutes or so to get things organized... then maybe an on demand movie.
Pics from the museum:
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