Wednesday, December 28, 2011
My Mom will be Proud!!
Yesterday I took off work, did 6 loads of laundry. And almost all of it got folded. Tonight it will.
I also bought 2 more bins for Rogan's old clothes. That child has so many clothes! I've filled 3 large tubs with old clothes that don't fit any more.
So a note to future purchases for our second son... he does not need many clothes! We have plenty! Clothes we won't have are "little/big brother" clothes, which I think are super cute. And matching clothes for Rogan and Baby #2, which I also think is super cute. hehe.
So Rogan finally has a dresser full of clothes that fit, socks that are matched, and all of it is clean.
Our room, the disaster area where clothes and junk goes to die and be buried for eternity is also in better shape. Last night Ryan and I put many clothes away in their rightful spot, and changed our sheets (i love our new winter flannel sheets!). You can see our floor, which needs to be vacuumed. And it will!
Tonight's task is to tackle downstairs. All the toys need to be unboxed and organized so all the trash can be put out tonight/tomorrow morning. That will make our 1st floor look much more put together.
Ahh cleaning... not sure if it's nesting or just that it needs to get done!! But very happy about yesterday's progress.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas 2011
Rogan really isn't into opening presents yet.
"What is this boring box you want me to peel? I'd rather play with my toys I already know exist, run around, and watch tv. Thanks."
Santa brought half of his presents to Grandad's and half to Grandma's. His stocking was magically full at both too. hehe.
Opening gifts with Grandad...
Once he realized what was under the package, the word "open" immediately followed. Here he is trying to get at one of his new Cars toys.
Off to Cheryl's (Grandma's/Mema's) we went... hot wheels!!
Rogan's main present from Santa was a Lets Rock Elmo!
Do you think he likes music/elmo??? (he's lip syncing!!)
Note: we had to get elmo out in the car on the ride home too.
and we also had to have a talk with our new alphie:
his cute new monkey hat!
needless to say he had fun and was totally spoiled with attention, affection, toys, and food. Tis the season!
Swimming at Christmas
Here are the videos!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
I was right to be annoyed.
So I stayed home yesterday to sleep and recover. By last night I still had a faint headache, but was doing better.
This morning I'm practically 100%. hurray! I don't want to be sick for Christmas (like I was for Thanksgiving!! That was no fun!)
Rogan's new phrase that cracks me up:
"no, yet" meaning "not yet"
Rogan, are you going to eat dinner?
no, yet
Rogan, we need to change your diaper.
no, yet.
Rogan it's time to go nite nite.
no, yet.
Monday, December 19, 2011
I'm annoyed that...
Rogan fussed all the way home from daycare
He didn't want to take off his coat or shoes when we got home
My back hurts tonight
Rogan wanted to hang out on my shoulders tonight, further hurting my back
I have a dull headache that I'm worried will turn into a large one by morning... time for water!
I have stuff I want to do around the house and my body is saying no tonight
I wanted to put Rogan down to bed, but didn't have the emotional strength if he put up a fight so I had Ryan do it instead. And yes, he fussed.
Rogan insists on me being with him and not Ryan most of the time if he has the choice, forcing me to hide if I want a minute alone, or listen to whining if I refuse
I haven't had time to pick up my new contacts
My car is a mess, this is 95% my fault.
I can't drink a sugar free red bull until May.
Argh, just not my night I guess. Early to bed and hopefully a better mood in the morning.
So far a healthy Baby Boy #2!
Because of my diabetes, I'm considered a "high risk" pregnancy. Usually I don't mind this one bit. I can handle the extra appointments, and it means I get extra ultrasounds to see our new baby more often and I get to be induced early, which saved me from up to 2 weeks of being pregnant last time. Thanks! But with it of course comes the risks. Because I've been pregnant before (and done well, since Rogan is as healthy as a horse, knock on wood), I feel that the docs have been a little easier on me this time, which I appreciate. I know what CAN go wrong, and I'm doing everything I can to be a good little diabetic and keep myself and Baby #2 in control.
As hard as I try though, I know I'm not perfect. I'm darn close. I know that. But still my body doesn't work quite like it should. My last A1C (basically a measure of how good your sugar levels have been the last 3 months) was 5.7 back in October. I know a "normal" person can usually have a level up to 6.0, so I'm well within the "normal" range, which should usually mean my kids have no more of a chance at having a "defect" than any other woman.
So that part gives me comfort. But things can still happen. Even the healthiest of mothers can have a child with special needs. Physical defects could happen diabetic or not. So that's what it scary.
The ultrasound we had on Friday measured all the major bones in the baby's body, as well as his major internal organs. They basically made sure all of them were the right size and developing normally. They also check for all chambers of the heart and parts of the brain. Then to top it off they look at the face, lips, spine, etc. It's quite a long list of stuff the tech measures, all while not telling Ryan or I anything about what she sees. argh.
But all is well when the doc comes in after reviewing the measurements and says we have a physically healthy boy so far. hurray!!!
I'm very excited to meet our new boy in late April or early May. I dont think I'll be wishing for an earlier delivery than that since we will be doubling our children!! Until then I will be enjoying the time I have with Rogan as our only child. He's amazing.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Fudge that will not disappoint!
Put these ingredients in medium saucepan
2/3 cup evaporated vitamin d milk
1 1/3 cups sugar
1/4 tsp salt
7oz jar marshmallow fluff
4 Tbsp butter
Bring to a boil on medium high heat, stirring constantly.
Boil for 5 mins while stirring lightly.
Take off heat and add
1 1/2 cups semi sweet choc morsels
Stir until smooth.
Add 1 tsp vanilla
Stir until combined.
Pour into a buttered 8x8 dish, makes about 2 lbs. Let cool completely on counter and enjoy!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
A Night with Rogan...(videos)
The sound is off on this video, and it freezes since I took it on my phone, but still a cute one.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
When you are raising a son...
But I did my best! I pinned him several times, mixed in with throwing him from side to side on the couch. He got me too, of course. But I think I won. :)
When he starting trying to climb over the back of the couch we changed activities... But oh man, I see an injury in the future from going over that thing when I turn my back.
He also counted from 8-13 tonight. I don't know why he likes to start at 8, and I can't get him to start at one. Occasionally we start at 2. And we usually miss 4 and go straight to 5, but he is getting great at counting. Our favorite number right now is definitely 8. I repeated him and he kept going all the way to 13! And it was distinguishable! He kept going after 13 for a while, but they all sounded like 13. Haha. So I know he knows there are similar sounding "teen" numbers next, he just can't make them out yet. It amazes me how much he is learning and how well he retains information.
Friday, December 2, 2011
And now, we sing...
Requests from Rogan, that is. Ha, remember when he couldn't talk?
Now, he loves songs, and sings what he can. He can hum entire toons. And then he fills in words that he knows and hums the rest...
this is rogans twinkle twinkle:
tink tink hmm humm uh uh STAR!
hmm hum hu hu hm hm ARE!
up uh hmm mm hmm hmm HIGH!
hmm mm uhh uhh mmm mm SKY!
tink tink hmm hmm STAR, hmm hmm, uh uh, hmm hmm ARE!!!
followed by "YAY!! I DID IT!!"
very sweet. there is also some dancing involved, that involves butt-wiggling. will try to get video for future blackmailing when he's a teenager/
Monday, November 28, 2011
Thanksgiving 2011
Wednesday: I took off work, but got sick at 3am, and was horizontal the entire day. puking. not fun. Rogan saw me get sick for the first time ever that morning. Ryan was getting ready. i ran into the bathroom, and of course he followed. afterwards it took a good 60 seconds for him to want to be near me again. kinda funny in retrospect.
Thursday: Feeling better, so we went to Champaign. So glad we did, since if we would have stayed in Naperville we didn't have any food. It was delish as always. And Rogan loves to play with my parents. Specifically, his Mimi, my mom. She's higher on the current Rogan Liking Meter than even Ryan. We had 2 days of "MIMI!!! MIMI???", which was a nice change from "MOMMY!?!?!". haha.
Friday: Curtis Orchard, lounging, lots of shopping. Yep, Ryan and I went out to get the doorbuster deals. We did a great job. I know I had fun, and I think he did too. He got some good stuff at least.
Saturday: back home in the afternoon, very chill day.
Sunday: more of the same. grocery shopping, putting up the tree, lots of playing with Rogan, and cleaning the house a bit.
Christmas is just around the corner!!!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thanksgiving Countdown
Cue the Rocky montage music... I am ready for Black Friday!!! I. AM. PUMPED.
I'm not a huge shopper, but I will become one for the right deal. So Friday is the mother ship, calling me home. Totally stoked to get some great deals for me, Ryan, and Rogan too. yippee!!
I have a spreadsheet (yep, I'm proud), and I know what I want at each store.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Mommy, a Walk???
Though this mommy-centric attitude does make it hard for me to get things done. cleaning, dinner, going to the bathroom, usually involve a little boy on my leg, throwing a tantrum, or pounding on a door.
I/We have been trying to get Rogan to do more stuff with Ryan, and let me sit for a bit at night. On Tuesday night it was great. We had a great play time after dinner, and there were bouts where I was on the couch and Rogan and Ryan were on the floor. yay.
But usually when I try to sneak away for a moment, Rogan finds me within minutes. He grabs my finger, pulls, and says "a walk". meaning he wants me to come with him wherever he wants to play. it's the cutest thing, and 99% of the time i go with him and see what he wants to do. But I have to admit there are times when i DONT want to go on a walk... I want to sit here. I want YOU to play with DADDY.
I should also mention that Rogan plays awesome with Ryan when I'm not around. If I go run errands, work late, take a nap, they are great. out of sight, out of mind, i guess. So if I really need a break, up to our bedroom I go. And Ryan is wonderful allowing me to do so.
I can't wait to get home tonight and do more playing as a family. If I have to guess... Rogan and I will go on about 10 "walks" tonight. :)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
I'm Stuck!!
Rogan's new phrase. He likes to use it in the car, on our way home from daycare. Meaning he's "stuck" in his car seat, and can't get out.
My response... "mommy's stuck too, I'll get you out when we get home."
Rogan: "Home!!!... (pause 3 seconds)... Mommy??? I stuck!!"
it's a never ending cycle. But it's also quite cute.
Other fun Rogan phrases lately:
"Tee(3), nine, go!" (Counting, usually to jump off of something)
"two, two, two" (counting items)
"I see geese!!"
"I see Patton!" (our elusive black bat)
"I hear it!" (usually refering to a train or airplane, occasionally he specifies)
"yip" (yes)
"vroom" (playing with his cars)
"it's up high"
"i can't reach it"
"ee-ow" (meow)
... he's a funny kid.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Sorry I'm not sorry...
Monday, November 7, 2011
Matching Colors... I did it!
Here we go again!!!
Our second BOY will (hopefully) be arriving end of April or early May.
This little boy will complete our family. Can't wait to meet him.

Sunday, October 30, 2011
New awesome recipe
Tomatillo green chili
2 T evoo
1medium white onion
12 medium tomatillos
4 garlic cloves
4 poblano peppers
2 jalepeno peppers
1.5 lbs pork roast
Handful of cilantro
1.5 t cumin
1 T honey
2 cups chicken stock
Salt and pepper
Roast pork, chop pork into bite size chunks,
char peppers and peel, deseed, and chop finely... Next time I'm going to puree the peppers.
Dice onion, sweat in oil for 10 mins.
Add chopped tomatillos and minced garlic and sautée another 15 mins or until tomatillos are falling apart.
Put mixture in food processor and puree with cilantro, cumin, and honey.
Pour back in pot and add chicken stock, chopped/pureed peppers, and pork and bring to a boil to simmer for 20 mins or until desired thickness.
Salt and pepper to taste
Serve over chips or rice.
Will feed to adults for several meals!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Wednesday Randoms
so here are some random thoughts today
-- I love fall. I love going to apple orchards, being outside with a light jacket, and pumpkins. I think we are going to carve our pumpkin this weekend. I'd like to toast the seeds... somehow. Need to google instructions.
--Rogan is getting so big. The talking, the attitude, the love. He's hilarious, he's energetic, and he's stubborn (sometimes). He definitely has learned how to get his point across when he wants something.
--We have NO plans this weekend. The first in a while. Excited to chill. There are so many things I need to do at home. here is my short list:
buy new couch pillows
move some of rogan's toys to the basement to clear up space in the family room
LAUNDRY... fold it, put it away.
clean our room. omg it's bad. it looks like our dressers threw up. clothes everywhere, belonging to all three of us. must remedy. and then must vaccuum once i can see the floor. i guess this goes along with LAUNDRY, but most of it is clean, and needs to be put away.
--i'm getting really excited for thanksgiving. i love stuffing. i love mashed potatoes. and i'll have a little dark meat turkey to round it all out. oh, and dont forget jello salad... i.e. strawberry jello, cream cheese/cool whip middle, and pretzel crust. my sis and I will have that polished off by friday night.
--thanksgiving means i get to see my sis! haven't seen her since before she started teaching. miss her!
-- first weekend in november is the chris cringle craft show in Champaign... which means if i can get there i can find cute wellmade things, AND could get rogan's name on some stuff.
-- i'm going to NYC next week for work! hurray a trip, hurray catching up with some college friends who live there. i will miss my guys, but they are best buds right now, so i know they will have a blast without me.
-- rumor is ipad3 will be out in spring 2012... might have to upgrade!!!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
AH!! Broken Door!!
The stationary panel of our sliding door in the back is completely shattered. Argh. At least it didn't fall all over the place. I've got a guy coming out for an estimate this morning, hopefully we can just replace the glass and not the entire panel or door. But definitely a shock when we saw this. It's the interior glass, not the exterior, so no one threw a rock at our house or tried to break in, it was the glass's fault.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Grandparents are Magical
But like I said in the title, grandparents have magic powers. These abilities include, but are not limited to:
1) having so much fun at curtis orchard, child will fall asleep in car. upon arriving at home, child is able to be transfered from car to crib without waking. MAGIC!!
2) child will nap for 3 HOURS. 1 of which was in the crib, another 2 on me on the couch while I watched food network and got to chat uninterupted with my mom. MAGIC!!
3) child will eat foods he usually rejects. grapes and apples. Rogan probably ate an entire apple (sliced up) while we were there. plus at least 2 cupfulls of sliced grapes, and a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. MAGIC!!!
note... silly mommy was overjoyed and thought all of these new foods will still be eaten once we returned home. oh no, mommy. when presented with grapes or oatmeal after arriving back home, both were rejected with rage. the apple on the other hand, he only ate 1 slice, not the 5 he did in champaign, but it was eaten.
... I'm so lucky to have parents and in-laws who are relatively close. My parents are coming up on Friday so that Ryan and I can go to one of my childhood friend's weddings in Indy on Saturday. I'm very excited to have a night out with my husband, celebrate a new marriage with tons of friends, and have a monitor-less night, and a restful morning.
I have pics of the weekend, will try to put them up tonight.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
So we went out to dinner...
Thankfully, we were at a casual pub/grill. With lots of people having happy hour drinks or eating dinner, and didn't mind a little guy coming up to say hi.
Even when our food showed up, Rogan was not interested. There was just too much else to do!! Should we go look at the large wooden indian? Should we go play the arcade games? Should we run up and down the ramp that the servers walk through? Should we go in and out of the women's restroom? Should we go wash our hands again and play with the water? SO MANY CHOICES. AND WE DID ALL OF THEM.
Whew. It wore both me and Ryan out. Back to take out, at least in the near future. I know that soon this will be a non-issue, and that Rogan will outgrow this and sit with us to eat dinner, but that day is not today.
In closing, these are some of Rogan's new words and skills.
-opening doors (our basement doorknob now has a toddlerproof cover)
Favorite phrases:
"Thank you"
"I want to eat"
"I want dat" (this has been a favorite for a while)
"eight, nine, uh" (counting, Rogan style)
"ee, eee, ee, eee" (the alphabet, Rogan style)
"Gabba? Whoa whoa?" (Yo Gabba Gabba and Special Agent Oso)
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Funny Face!
Unfortunately these moments are hard to get on camera! But I'm still trying. I have a new video and pics of him I'm planning on posting tonight after he goes to bed.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Happy Anniversary to Us!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Our Little Travel Companion
Rogan was awesome. He has never been a bad traveler, but I've noticed now he's getting even better, and such a big boy. We like to start trips when Rogan's tired, so we start off, get on the interstate, pop in his bedtime CD, and he's out. There has only been one trip he didn't sleep at all (a 5 hour trip fron stl in May), but usually this will put him out for an hour or so.
When he's awake he much more verbal about what he wants, whether it's juice, snack, a toy, or wants to give me back one of those things. His new phrase is "here you are", usually handing you his sippy or half-eaten snack that may or may not have been in his mouth already... and it comes out as one word... "heewaa". totally cute. I love it (especially since this is way better than throwing the sippy and snack on the floor, which still happens from time to time), I say thank you, and he smiles in delight at being a big boy.
Note: 10 seconds later I will here "i wan dat one"... and I give it back. haha.
He's also become a wiz at the iPad, and especially in the car, I don't see anything wrong with him watching a show or playing a learning game. This past weekend he wasn't into games too much, more the shows. He alternated between "abba" (Yo Gabba Gabba) and "woe woe" (Special Agent Oso). Yo Gabba Gabba is a new thing for him in the past few weeks. But now he really likes it. I know they watch it at day care, and it really is a good show for kids learning basic skills. (though I'm convinced they are all on acid while they write/film this show). If you've never seen it, youtube it to get a glimpse of what I mean. TRIPPY!!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Dear Little Alarm Man in Rogan's Head,
Grumpy and Sleepy Parents
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
I'm a DOOFUS!!
Last night, before getting Rogan from daycare, I did a quick trip to meijer for a few things. It's on the way home, and very easy to pop in and get a few things before going home. I do it all. the. time.
This time, I loaded all my groceries from the cart to the trunk, wheeled the cart to the cart corral, and drove off pleasantly to get Rogan... LEAVING MY PURSE IN THE CART!!!
A huge mental meltdown ensued. After checking that it wasn't in the trunk with the groceries, I scooped Rogan up and hurried him out the door. I didn't let him finish playing or coax him into the car, we had to GO!! so he screamed, and screamed, and screamed. He fought me hard to get into his seat, and I yelled at him for the first time ever. On the way back to meijer there were a few times I thought he would throw up he was screaming so hard. But we got there. I cried a little after screaming at him, but we both pulled ourselves together to go into meijer. I will note that he is such a sweetheart. After I got him out he gave me a huge hug.
AND SOMEONE TURNED IN MY PURSE!! HURRAY, EVERYTHING WAS THERE. Still very emotional, shoe-less Rogan and I walked around meijer for a few minutes to calm down, and I let Rogan get a Minnie Mouse (he didn't want mickey, hmm, ok, whatever) figurine. He also gave me a hug whenever I asked for one. Such a sweeeeetie!
This morning I paid some bills. One of the bills doesn't have you mail a check, but rather write down your cc info and mail the stub back, which I did, and have done many times before. But this time, I'm 99% sure I mailed my cc with the stub!!
DOOFUS MOVE #2. So now I don't have a credit card. In 20 minutes when the mail gets picked up I'm going to try to go plead with the mailman to see if I can get my mail back, but I'm guessing it wont work, and I'll have to cancel my card.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Rogan's 18M Stats

Monday, August 29, 2011
Food likes: Crackers, cereal, cheese, turkey dogs, chicken (if you put ketchup on it), rice, most vegetables, pasta, the list goes on and on. I'm very grateful he's a good eater. There are times of pickiness, but in general he eats what he's given, or wants what you have.
Food dislikes: food over 95 degrees. Seriously, the kid is very picky about the temperature of his meal. If it is too hot, it WILL be spit out. One skill he knows very well, is to blow on food. haha. He will have no problems blowing out candles in another 6 months when he turns 2. Another dislike is squishy fruit when he picks it up with his hands. Peaches with fingers, nope. Peaches with a fork, it will at least get to his mouth. Not a huge fruit fan, though. He doesn't like tart things yet.
Activity likes: Running, climbing, dancing, bathtime, crawling in tunnels, building forts out of blankets, pushing his cars, reading books, singing songs (row row row your boat is the current fav), and playing with the iPad.
Activity dislikes: Diaper/clothes changes. Bribing is a necessity to get him to lay still. He screams. Loudly. Not getting to play on the stairs... again, screaming. Sitting still. He's definitely an energetic toddler and is very curious and wants to get into everything!
He's getting better and better about repeating what he hears, even if it takes a few tries. lately here are the words we hear ALL THE TIME (but he knows a lot more)
On, off
I want up, down, out, to ride
meow (bow), kitty
tv (dee dee)
ipad (ah-tad)
mama, dada, mm-ma
please (when prompted)
that one (pointing to what he would like)
cracker (racker)
...i'm sure i'm forgetting a ton
Friday, August 26, 2011
WOW is funny...
It's a very magical place.
He just said "sorry, I didn't time my tears correctly" to his group.
I'm giggling.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Angel and the near two-year-old...
Tonight we started off great, we ate dinner, we tried a new game where Mommy is the horsy and Rogan rides around on Mommy's back (huge hit) and then we played outside. I love my smiling laughing boy.
Then we come inside, and a tantrum begins. First because we come inside, then because I won't let him go down to the basement. All the books say not to reinforce the negative behavior. And I agree. So once the screaming and the stomping starts if I let him downstairs that teaches him nothing. So what do I try? Distraction. His favorite toys, songs, tv shows, even the iPad do nothing to stop the screaming. And after 30 minutes I call it and send him to bed.
I change his diaper ( yes, he is still screaming and squirming), put on pjs, and we sway to his bedtime music for 10 minutes until he (and I) calm down.
... Even now, 2 hours later, he's restless. I think he has a cold. I just went in there and swayed some more and put some Vicks rub on his shirt to help him get some rest.
Sigh... Might be a long night with our little almost 2 year old.
Welcome to the World Grace Rose Ellam!
Hello 27!
Friday morning my mom (and dad later after work) came up to stay with Rogan, and Ryan and I went downtown. It was great to get away for 24 hours. BUT
I was sick. I am rarely sick, more now I've noticed with a child in daycare who likes to bring home germs and put his little fingers in my mouth, but I'm still usually healthy.
But Friday I threw up... at the ball game. Whoops. The little girl and her mom in the stall next to me thought I was wasted. (I know this cause they were talking about me). But oh well, I was not wasted, far from it... I was sober. But whatever. I felt better after that. But then we needed to take the el back to our hotel... 15 minutes of standing in a jerky subway car had me racing to street level at our stop where I threw up again... somewhere close to Michigan Avenue... classy, Tracey. Ryan says I didn't get too many stares, but I'm sure I got a few. Oh well, back to the hotel for a nap. We did go to dinner, and then go have a drink (well, Ryan did), and I was feeling better. My stomach was just off.
Ryan had asked several times if I wanted or should we go home. My answer was a resounding no. 1) if i was contagious I was better off away from my parents and Rogan. 2) Rogan doesn't understand "mommy doesn't feel well". He would be all over me, or I would be locked up in the bedroom feeling guilty about being up there. 3) I didn't trust myself in a car for an hour unable to get to a restroom should I need to throw up again! So we stayed put. And we slept. And slept. For nearly 12 hours.
It. Was. Glorious. So refreshing. The next morning (my birthday!!) I was feeling much better. Worn out a bit, but on the mend. We ate a leisurely breakfast, and drove home. After we put Rogan down for a nap we went to see Captain America before my parents had to take off. A great day. That night (Saturday) I made up for not eating Friday by enjoying a movie with a side of Steak n Shake, sour gummy candy, and 1/2 bottle of champagne.
Rogan was well behaved (except when you want to change his diaper), and we had a great time all together Sunday. We went to the zoo and the park, and capped off the weekend with Blizzards from Dairy Queen.
... 27 feels pretty good so far.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Cold turkey...
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Funny kid
Last night in the bath Rogan voluntarily began putting his face/mouth in the water... and tried to blow bubbles. In past swim lessons he has never blown bubbles, so this was new. Of course, I got excited. I leaned my entire body over and started blowing bubbles to show him. He did it several times, laughing a lot too. I'd say 3 times he successfully blew bubbles in the water. And another 10 times he either put his face too far in and it jolted him, or not far enough. Good first attempt though. Ryan heard the excitement and came in, but he didn't catch the good bubbles. Maybe tonight.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Sleepy Mom
... I was tired too. I crawled into bed at 8:30 to play with the iPad and watch tv.
8:45 - Rogan starts crying
8:50 - Still crying, so I go in to rock and calm him, Ryan takes a turn too.
9:00 - Back in the crib, starts crying again.
9:15 - Still crying! I make some warm milk.
9:30 - Wants no milk, just wants to snuggle. So we have more snuggles.
9:40 - Back in the crib, cries.
10:00 - Still crying... cannot take it anymore. Darn.
10:02 - Rogan and I crawl into the guest bed together.
10:03 - Rogan is snoring laying half on top of me.
11:00 - I'm still awake... I think, have I slept? don't know. But now I have to pee. Darn.
2:30am - There is a foot in my face.
2:35am - Ryan switches with me, and I crawl in our big comfy childless bed.
almost 3am - Ryan has successfully put Rogan back in his crib, comes back to bed.
3:10am - Bella pukes in our room. Darn.
3:11am - I find it cause I stepped in it. She puked right in front of the bathroom where I was going for tissue to clean it. Thanks for making it easy to find, Bella.
3:12am - I swear a lot.
3:20am - Puke is picked up, foot is washed off... back to bed.
5am - Kitty Battle. Fur flies, hissing (Bella), and high pitched squeaks (Patton). (This is their common morning thing. Usually Patton wants to play and Bella is not in the mood)
5:20am - alarm starts ringing... time to start a new day! Darn.
Monday, August 1, 2011
New bed time...
I think the long weekend away with multiple activities and late bedtimes was just the ticket we needed to push it back. He has consistently been going to bed between 6 and 6:30 since he was 3 months old, so this is quite the routine. But he's been waking up earlier and earlier, and we really don't like the 5am wake up calls.
So last night he went to bed at 7:30, didn't wake up until a bit after 6 this morning.
Tonight, after hard playing outside, and a walk, followed by a needed bath, bedtime was 7:05...
And he didn't completely lose it, which is why he has had such an early bedtime. Cause he turns into mr fuss man when he needs to go to bed. Hurray!
As long as he keeps sleeping past 6 we will be good to go.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
And We Fested...
The Nordic Flags on the Main Street
Nordic Fest is all about the Norwegian food!! Most of which has been a staple in my grandmother's house, so I have grown up with. For Ryan it was a new experience. Who knew pickled herring is served at every meal? Lefse (lef-sa)= Norwegian potato roll that we eat hand over hand with butter. But have no fear, we Norwegians also have regular rolls too, of course. CARBS!! If you wrap a sausage in lefse, you get Varme Polse (Var-ma Poll-sa). We have been doing this at the breakfast table any time we have both ingredients in the house. There was ALWAYS a line for this. But I did manage to get one. (Ryan did not eat it.)
A giant cow...
the vikings...
more vikings...
and of course, the trolls.
Rogan wore the toddler outfit that my two cousins wore almost 25 years ago... luckily we were able to get them both dressed up at the same time for some pictures.
Thanks to my Aunt for sending it to us.
And as a fun blast from the past... here I am, all dressed up almost 20 years ago.
In addition to food and parade festing we also partook in some of the activities Nordic fest and the town of Decorah had to offer...
Ryan and my dad did the Kanoelopet... a canoe race, tipped over, and got to cool off in the river.
Ryan and I did the Elvelopet... a 5k foot race... here's proof... Ryan beat me.Special thanks to my mom, who watched Rogan while we ran/walked...
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Not a baby... Not yet a big boy

With this in mind I have been wanting to add more decor to Rogans room, so I bought several car items to hang on his wall, and some new sheets that have cars, too.
Other times he looks so small, still mommy's little one.

Before Rogan was born we chose adorable animal bedding and decor, I still love it. So does he. So even though cars have entered the picture, the animals are not exiting. I got more! We have his bedding, and then 3 wall hangings hanging above the changing table. Now, with the wall hangings are wall stickers of the same animals acting as a faux border around that side of the room. The other large wall has a quilt rack and will also have a small car hanging and wall stickers of cars on a track.
I love that his room is becoming more HIM. He loves animals, and now being able to bring in cars is great. It was a reason I left it basic until now. It's not just what I wanted, it's what my son likes.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Kudos to Ryan!!
We were gone a little over 24 hours, in that time Ryan was able to:
Get rid of all the weeds in the front yard and back patio landscape
Trim our front bushes
Bag up all above weeds and trimmings
Organize our garage... hanging his bike and Rogan's outside toys
Blew out the garage of all dust, dirt, and leaves. It's SO CLEAN NOW!
Installed 2 gates at the top of our staircases so Rogan can run down the hall without us
Hung Rogan's quilt rack we got from my parents for Christmas
Did the dishes
and washed our sheets
hopefully he also got to relax, play some World of Warcraft (yes, he's still playing), and sleep in on Sunday without a baby monitor next to his head.
Rogan and I ended up sleeping in the same bed most of the night. He woke up at midnight, and in a crib he's not used to I could tell from his fussing he wasn't going to go back to sleep easily...
So he and I snuggled the rest of the night. I got crappy sleep, but it was worth it. He's always been an independent sleeper. He likes you to put him down so he can sleep. Rarely will he fall asleep ON me unless he has no other choice. I've only slept with him once before around christmas, so its nice to have my little man next to me hitting me in the face for a change. :) Even us being in the same bed, he was still an independent sleeper. His snuggling is limited to rolling away from you and pressing his back against you, or propping his legs up on your body. haha. funny kid.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
4 Wheelin'
BUT... this has been sitting in our garage for 3 weeks, unused. Up until today he would push the button, but while he was safely standing next to it, never on it. We didn't force it... and today he decided he was ready to ride...
Friday, July 15, 2011
And I'm the Lobster!
-- not just any lobster, first lobster.
- there was more than one lobster at the birth of jesus?
-- duh...
One of my favorite quotes from a Christmas holiday movie classic, Love Actually.
... I say this because Ryan was a lobster Tuesday after his sight visit, and now I'm also one after a day downtown at a cubs event with my NYC broker...
Boo. Lathering the aloe tonight.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Well that's new...
When he realized I wasn't getting him out, he moved onto wanting Ryan. Ryan got a towel and got him out. I hung out in the bath while Rogan was getting dried off, his head firmly on ryan's shoulder. So cute.
So Rogan got a rinse tonight... And we didn't brush his teeth. Boo. As much as he was crying I didn't have the heart to brush his teeth, he just wanted his crib. We will try again tomorrow.
Hurry up teeth.
Really... again?!?
Sunday Rogan started teething again... ugh. He has 16 teeth... and has had them all for at least 2 months... but now, apparently 2 year molars are starting to make their way to the surface. WHAT?!?! He's 16 months... um... I can do the math... that's 4 months earlier than my toddler book says is "early". "Expect 2 year molars to appear between 20-28 months"... I WANT A REFUND!! More importantly, I wanted Rogan (and us) to get a little more relief from teething. We were really enjoying our happy boy who isn't working on any more teeth. boo.
Rogan has done awesome with his first 16 teeth. We had the common drool, fussiness, chewing on the fingers etc, but these seem to be worse.
This time we have a little drool, diareah, fussiness, and refusing to eat, and refusing to drink occasionally. Refusing food has never happened before. I wasn't sure if it was a bug or teething... but his symptoms match teething, he doesn't have a fever, and most of the time he is acting perfectly fine. If he were sick he'd be sick consistently. Rather than fussing in and out. At least that's my opinion.
This morning he woke up early, and wasn't happy. I got him and brought him down for breakfast and he starts pulling on his cheek. So that sealed the deal for me. Teething it is! Then, bless his heart, he starts crying! Rogan has 2 different cries. One cry when he wants something, doesn't get his way, or is mad... this cry we hear most. Then there is his sad/scared cry, which comes with the cutest pout face that will melt anyone's heart. That's what we had this morning. The sad cry. My poor baby.
We gave him some tylenol to try to take the edge off. After 20 minutes or so he let me feed him half a package of oatmeal and drank his milk. Hopefully they come in fast!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Our Favorite Sport!!
Check out the video at the bottom of our little shooter!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Rogan woke up this morning, and was talking to himself in his crib which was usual. He was saying "wa ouuuuu" (want out), "wa dooooow" (want down), but he wasn't fussing and I knew Ryan would be done getting ready soon, so I gathered my stuff and started heading out the door.
Two feet from the door I hear "thump thump thump" on Rogan's door... I look up, and see his doornob wiggling (we keep his door closed at night). all I think is... "oh, crap."
I drop my stuff, go up there, open the door (there have been several more bangs as I walk up there), and there's my little man, all smiles, and very proud of himself. He runs out of the room and laughs. well, darn it.
I take him into our bedroom and sit with him while Ryan finishes shaving... my head is still spinning a little bit on what our next move should be.
Toddler bed? he's not even 17 months!! will he keep doing it? am I 100% positive his room is safe? can he open the door? I need to go buy more gates.
From what I've read this isn't cause for panic or immediate change. If he continues to climb out this week we will take off the front crib rail and replace it with a 6 inch guard rail so he can get in and out of bed, but won't roll off in his sleep.
I'm not so sure we are ready for this change. But from what I've read the other option is putting a net over the crib... and that's not my style. So maybe a toddler bed is in our near future. eeek!
Monday, June 27, 2011
a mother's intuition
Bandaids we have... but not a lot. Definitely don't have any neosporin. So, knowing that my son likes to run first, look second, I thought I'd pick up a pack of both.
When I got into the car I called home to let them know I was on my way...
- Hey I'm on my way
-- Are you almost home?
- Will be in 5 mins why?
-- Rogan wiped out on the concrete and has a bad scrape on his head.
- I BOUGHT NEOSPORIN!! see you soon.
haha. so, yes. Rogan scraped his head pretty bad yesterday outside. it's right on his hairline, so no bandaid, but needed to be cleaned and have some neosporin.
When I got home seemed like he had forgotten the whole thing, begging to go outside again as a walked in the door.
That's his new thing. He's obsessed with outside. Anytime we go out, or someone comes in, he insists on going. Last night Ryan was coming in from trimming the back yard and was met with a persistant toddler who would NOT let him in until he went out. A fit insued, obviously, since it was time for bed.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Fingerpainting Attempt #1
Check out my big boy pjs!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Ryan at Warrior Dash!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Tornado Warning Survival.
Regardless, the sirens went off around 815, and up I went to get Rogan from his comfy crib, and down we went to the basement. 30 minutes later, after 75 mile winds, our house is untouched. Our baby pool however may be lost forever, whoops.
But Rogan was great, he kept sleeping for a bit, watched some star trek with mama, and with some warm milk went back to bed at 9 really easily after the eye of the storm had passed.
Night everyone!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Happy Belated Father's Day!
Ryan celebrated this weekend by getting to sleep in both Saturday and Sunday... 8am is sleeping in around here. Though Rogan and I did wake him up for a moment to tell him we had a BILLION ants on our back deck, but he fell back asleep, or at least pretended to until 8 or so, and the ants were drowned at 9am, then officially killed by noon. haha.
Also as part of Father's Day I cooked him a steak (porterhouse) dinner with mashed potatoes and asparugus.
As for gifts Ryan bought a bike a few weeks back, and he also bought the expansion pack he needed for World of Warcraft. Oh yes, I didn't mention that... Ryan is playing World of Warcraft. He played it back when we were dating for a while, and is now very much back into it. So if you notice my posts have been less frequent, its because Ryan is always on the computer! haha. i really dont mind. and i like that he enjoys it.
Rogan is RUNNING... and RUNNING EVERYWHERE. We got haircut #3 yesterday, still not a fan. I basically hug him and try to make him feel better as he's crying in the chair. But we got through it and after he gets a balloon he's a happy guy again.
He's got to be going through a growth spurt because this weekend was all about eating and sleeping. He's not much of a morning napper, but likes to go down for 45min - an hour to rest. Sometimes he sleeps, sometimes he doesn't (i don't think), cause I hear him talking to himself every once in a while. But he needs his quiet time then to recharge. Saturday and Sunday he slept from 12:30 - 4. WOW. And even with all that good sleep, still demanded to go to bed at 6:30pm both nights, and this morning he didn't wake up until 7. 12.5 hours of pretty solid sleep. impressive.
as for some stats...
clothes... size 2T shirts, and no bigger than 18m shorts. even then some 18m shorts are too big in the waist for him and fall down. he's very long in the torso, so he needs bigger shirts. but his tummy and legs are thin.
shoes... depending on the brand anywhere from 5-6. When I measure his foot he's a dead on 5, so we bought 5.5 shoes recently to last for a while. Sperry's. My sister will be proud! But he has size 5 converse shoes that still fit great, with room to grow.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
How do we have a son that's talking!?!
Mom ... Ma
Dad ... Dada
Mickey ... M ma
Mimi/me maw ... M ma
No ... Uh uh
Hello ... E ro
All done ... A da
All gone ... A ga
Again ... A ga ... Yeah, they are the same, we only know through context.
Down .. A dow
Cat ... Aaa
Owl ... Ow
Bella ... Ela
iPad ... Eye ta
He also says ow and uh-oh that need no Rogan to English translation.
Don't be surprised to see more posts like this cropping up whenever she makes something new.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Weekend Fun
And then this happens when we stop...
We took a family outing to the zoo today... this cougar was particularly friendly...
Checking out the wolves... I think they look alike here.
Of course... just what our house needed, another big bulky toy for Rogan. Here is his new tunnel/fort. He tries to make tunnels out of boxes, even if they are totally ruined or small... so it was time to upgrade.
Do you think he likes it?