The "stats" of Rogan will follow on Friday, when he has his Dr. appt. But here are some fun things to note about our little boy.
Food likes: Crackers, cereal, cheese, turkey dogs, chicken (if you put ketchup on it), rice, most vegetables, pasta, the list goes on and on. I'm very grateful he's a good eater. There are times of pickiness, but in general he eats what he's given, or wants what you have.
Food dislikes: food over 95 degrees. Seriously, the kid is very picky about the temperature of his meal. If it is too hot, it WILL be spit out. One skill he knows very well, is to blow on food. haha. He will have no problems blowing out candles in another 6 months when he turns 2. Another dislike is squishy fruit when he picks it up with his hands. Peaches with fingers, nope. Peaches with a fork, it will at least get to his mouth. Not a huge fruit fan, though. He doesn't like tart things yet.
Activity likes: Running, climbing, dancing, bathtime, crawling in tunnels, building forts out of blankets, pushing his cars, reading books, singing songs (row row row your boat is the current fav), and playing with the iPad.
Activity dislikes: Diaper/clothes changes. Bribing is a necessity to get him to lay still. He screams. Loudly. Not getting to play on the stairs... again, screaming. Sitting still. He's definitely an energetic toddler and is very curious and wants to get into everything!
He's getting better and better about repeating what he hears, even if it takes a few tries. lately here are the words we hear ALL THE TIME (but he knows a lot more)
On, off
I want up, down, out, to ride
meow (bow), kitty
tv (dee dee)
ipad (ah-tad)
mama, dada, mm-ma
please (when prompted)
that one (pointing to what he would like)
cracker (racker)
...i'm sure i'm forgetting a ton
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