Because of my diabetes, I'm considered a "high risk" pregnancy. Usually I don't mind this one bit. I can handle the extra appointments, and it means I get extra ultrasounds to see our new baby more often and I get to be induced early, which saved me from up to 2 weeks of being pregnant last time. Thanks! But with it of course comes the risks. Because I've been pregnant before (and done well, since Rogan is as healthy as a horse, knock on wood), I feel that the docs have been a little easier on me this time, which I appreciate. I know what CAN go wrong, and I'm doing everything I can to be a good little diabetic and keep myself and Baby #2 in control.
As hard as I try though, I know I'm not perfect. I'm darn close. I know that. But still my body doesn't work quite like it should. My last A1C (basically a measure of how good your sugar levels have been the last 3 months) was 5.7 back in October. I know a "normal" person can usually have a level up to 6.0, so I'm well within the "normal" range, which should usually mean my kids have no more of a chance at having a "defect" than any other woman.
So that part gives me comfort. But things can still happen. Even the healthiest of mothers can have a child with special needs. Physical defects could happen diabetic or not. So that's what it scary.
The ultrasound we had on Friday measured all the major bones in the baby's body, as well as his major internal organs. They basically made sure all of them were the right size and developing normally. They also check for all chambers of the heart and parts of the brain. Then to top it off they look at the face, lips, spine, etc. It's quite a long list of stuff the tech measures, all while not telling Ryan or I anything about what she sees. argh.
But all is well when the doc comes in after reviewing the measurements and says we have a physically healthy boy so far. hurray!!!
I'm very excited to meet our new boy in late April or early May. I dont think I'll be wishing for an earlier delivery than that since we will be doubling our children!! Until then I will be enjoying the time I have with Rogan as our only child. He's amazing.
Here he is in the bath last night with 2 of his favorite things: his "hat" and lightening mcqueen.

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