Friday, June 3, 2011

Rogan's 15 Month Check-Up

Ryan and Rogan went to the doctor tonight... I was spending 2 hours at union station due to an earlier crash on the tracks, so it was the first appointment I missed, but I got all the details.

Height. 32 inches, 75th percentile... He's been anywhere from 75-95th percentile depending on if the appt hits a growth spurt or not.
Weight. 25lbs 3oz, 70th percentile... Very consistent with the past.

Walking. Rogan still walks on his tiptoes occasionally, but doc says it's normal. His walking is great. Check.
Able to go down stairs... Check. Of course I'm right there too.
Starting to feed himself. Check. Getting better and better with spoons!
Responds to several commands. Yes, but Ryan and I don't do this enough. He knows "arms up", "no", "come here" sometimes. But we need to start working on "bring me your shoes" and stuff like that.
Talking. Check! Ryan says Rogan said most of his "words" for the doc. Since he babbles constantly I'm not surprised. Doc says Rogan is ahead for his age on the talking front. Hurray! My mom has been worried that he doesn't say enough talking... Leading to frequent paranoid google searches to find out what is "normal". Tonight I will not worry and will sleep well.
Rogan is right on target. He is a perfectly happy and healthy boy.

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