While grocery shopping yesterday by myself , I found myself buying contact solution, and across the isle was bandaids and neosporin.
Bandaids we have... but not a lot. Definitely don't have any neosporin. So, knowing that my son likes to run first, look second, I thought I'd pick up a pack of both.
When I got into the car I called home to let them know I was on my way...
- Hey I'm on my way
-- Are you almost home?
- Will be in 5 mins why?
-- Rogan wiped out on the concrete and has a bad scrape on his head.
- I BOUGHT NEOSPORIN!! see you soon.
haha. so, yes. Rogan scraped his head pretty bad yesterday outside. it's right on his hairline, so no bandaid, but needed to be cleaned and have some neosporin.
When I got home seemed like he had forgotten the whole thing, begging to go outside again as a walked in the door.
That's his new thing. He's obsessed with outside. Anytime we go out, or someone comes in, he insists on going. Last night Ryan was coming in from trimming the back yard and was met with a persistant toddler who would NOT let him in until he went out. A fit insued, obviously, since it was time for bed.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Fingerpainting Attempt #1
Check out my big boy pjs!!
These are Rogan's new LEGO Star Wars pjs... two separate pieces, and NO FOOTIES! Ryan sent me this pic this morning, when he got Rogan up this morning. Such a happy guy!
Now without his footies, I'm taking bets on how long before he can climb out of his crib...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Ryan at Warrior Dash!
Check out the link below!! To see pics of Ryan type his BIB Number: 52463
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Tornado Warning Survival.
Dear Tornadoes, funnel clouds, high speed winds, etc... Please stop by my county between 6am and 6pm. 8pm is simply not acceptable.
Regardless, the sirens went off around 815, and up I went to get Rogan from his comfy crib, and down we went to the basement. 30 minutes later, after 75 mile winds, our house is untouched. Our baby pool however may be lost forever, whoops.
But Rogan was great, he kept sleeping for a bit, watched some star trek with mama, and with some warm milk went back to bed at 9 really easily after the eye of the storm had passed.
Night everyone!
Regardless, the sirens went off around 815, and up I went to get Rogan from his comfy crib, and down we went to the basement. 30 minutes later, after 75 mile winds, our house is untouched. Our baby pool however may be lost forever, whoops.
But Rogan was great, he kept sleeping for a bit, watched some star trek with mama, and with some warm milk went back to bed at 9 really easily after the eye of the storm had passed.
Night everyone!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Happy Belated Father's Day!
I can't believe I didn't get a picture of Ryan and Rogan together yesterday, but I'll take one soon and call it father's day.
Ryan celebrated this weekend by getting to sleep in both Saturday and Sunday... 8am is sleeping in around here. Though Rogan and I did wake him up for a moment to tell him we had a BILLION ants on our back deck, but he fell back asleep, or at least pretended to until 8 or so, and the ants were drowned at 9am, then officially killed by noon. haha.
Also as part of Father's Day I cooked him a steak (porterhouse) dinner with mashed potatoes and asparugus.
As for gifts Ryan bought a bike a few weeks back, and he also bought the expansion pack he needed for World of Warcraft. Oh yes, I didn't mention that... Ryan is playing World of Warcraft. He played it back when we were dating for a while, and is now very much back into it. So if you notice my posts have been less frequent, its because Ryan is always on the computer! haha. i really dont mind. and i like that he enjoys it.
Rogan is RUNNING... and RUNNING EVERYWHERE. We got haircut #3 yesterday, still not a fan. I basically hug him and try to make him feel better as he's crying in the chair. But we got through it and after he gets a balloon he's a happy guy again.
He's got to be going through a growth spurt because this weekend was all about eating and sleeping. He's not much of a morning napper, but likes to go down for 45min - an hour to rest. Sometimes he sleeps, sometimes he doesn't (i don't think), cause I hear him talking to himself every once in a while. But he needs his quiet time then to recharge. Saturday and Sunday he slept from 12:30 - 4. WOW. And even with all that good sleep, still demanded to go to bed at 6:30pm both nights, and this morning he didn't wake up until 7. 12.5 hours of pretty solid sleep. impressive.
as for some stats...
clothes... size 2T shirts, and no bigger than 18m shorts. even then some 18m shorts are too big in the waist for him and fall down. he's very long in the torso, so he needs bigger shirts. but his tummy and legs are thin.
shoes... depending on the brand anywhere from 5-6. When I measure his foot he's a dead on 5, so we bought 5.5 shoes recently to last for a while. Sperry's. My sister will be proud! But he has size 5 converse shoes that still fit great, with room to grow.
Ryan celebrated this weekend by getting to sleep in both Saturday and Sunday... 8am is sleeping in around here. Though Rogan and I did wake him up for a moment to tell him we had a BILLION ants on our back deck, but he fell back asleep, or at least pretended to until 8 or so, and the ants were drowned at 9am, then officially killed by noon. haha.
Also as part of Father's Day I cooked him a steak (porterhouse) dinner with mashed potatoes and asparugus.
As for gifts Ryan bought a bike a few weeks back, and he also bought the expansion pack he needed for World of Warcraft. Oh yes, I didn't mention that... Ryan is playing World of Warcraft. He played it back when we were dating for a while, and is now very much back into it. So if you notice my posts have been less frequent, its because Ryan is always on the computer! haha. i really dont mind. and i like that he enjoys it.
Rogan is RUNNING... and RUNNING EVERYWHERE. We got haircut #3 yesterday, still not a fan. I basically hug him and try to make him feel better as he's crying in the chair. But we got through it and after he gets a balloon he's a happy guy again.
He's got to be going through a growth spurt because this weekend was all about eating and sleeping. He's not much of a morning napper, but likes to go down for 45min - an hour to rest. Sometimes he sleeps, sometimes he doesn't (i don't think), cause I hear him talking to himself every once in a while. But he needs his quiet time then to recharge. Saturday and Sunday he slept from 12:30 - 4. WOW. And even with all that good sleep, still demanded to go to bed at 6:30pm both nights, and this morning he didn't wake up until 7. 12.5 hours of pretty solid sleep. impressive.
as for some stats...
clothes... size 2T shirts, and no bigger than 18m shorts. even then some 18m shorts are too big in the waist for him and fall down. he's very long in the torso, so he needs bigger shirts. but his tummy and legs are thin.
shoes... depending on the brand anywhere from 5-6. When I measure his foot he's a dead on 5, so we bought 5.5 shoes recently to last for a while. Sperry's. My sister will be proud! But he has size 5 converse shoes that still fit great, with room to grow.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
How do we have a son that's talking!?!
At the park today, watching Rogan run around, this is the question Ryan asked me. And I have to agree. How did this happen? He's so darn cute. And every day I hear something from him I haven't heard before... Here is his vocabulary right now. He is talking all the time! And we are talking to him all the time. Our house is definitely loud. It's so nice that he can communicate better and better.
Mom ... Ma
Dad ... Dada
Mickey ... M ma
Mimi/me maw ... M ma
No ... Uh uh
Hello ... E ro
All done ... A da
All gone ... A ga
Again ... A ga ... Yeah, they are the same, we only know through context.
Down .. A dow
Cat ... Aaa
Owl ... Ow
Bella ... Ela
iPad ... Eye ta
He also says ow and uh-oh that need no Rogan to English translation.
Mom ... Ma
Dad ... Dada
Mickey ... M ma
Mimi/me maw ... M ma
No ... Uh uh
Hello ... E ro
All done ... A da
All gone ... A ga
Again ... A ga ... Yeah, they are the same, we only know through context.
Down .. A dow
Cat ... Aaa
Owl ... Ow
Bella ... Ela
iPad ... Eye ta
He also says ow and uh-oh that need no Rogan to English translation.
Last night for dinner Tracey made butterfly pork chops stuffed with spicy goat cheese, and fried zucchini slices with light crouton breading. For dessert she made mojito cheesecake from scratch. It was awesome. I really like when she tries new stuff like that, it always turns out amazing.
Don't be surprised to see more posts like this cropping up whenever she makes something new.
Don't be surprised to see more posts like this cropping up whenever she makes something new.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Weekend Fun
Just going for a stroll. This is one of his favorite activities right now.
And then this happens when we stop...
We took a family outing to the zoo today... this cougar was particularly friendly...
Pointing at the other cougar...

Checking out the wolves... I think they look alike here.
Of course... just what our house needed, another big bulky toy for Rogan. Here is his new tunnel/fort. He tries to make tunnels out of boxes, even if they are totally ruined or small... so it was time to upgrade.

Do you think he likes it?
And then this happens when we stop...
We took a family outing to the zoo today... this cougar was particularly friendly...
Checking out the wolves... I think they look alike here.
Of course... just what our house needed, another big bulky toy for Rogan. Here is his new tunnel/fort. He tries to make tunnels out of boxes, even if they are totally ruined or small... so it was time to upgrade.
Do you think he likes it?
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Random Saturday Night Thoughts
My mom is pretty awesome. I love our long talks. Even when I'm mad at her, or even when she thinks I'm mad and I'm not, we have the best talks. She will listen to me at 3am if I needed her... That's love. And I would do the same for Rogan.
Our back neighbors are having a party tonight. This guy has to be Russian mob. Gonna be a late loud night over there.
Ryan will be coming to bed late tonight... It's my turn to getup with Rogan in the morning.
I didnt do the dishes tonight... Ugh, will have to do them in the morning.
My hair is greasy... I didn't shower today... And I was stuck in union station yesterday sweating with 4000 people waiting for delayed commuter trains back to the burbs cause of an accident. So I was really sweaty yesterday... I shoulda showered... Oh well, tomorrow morning.
I love relaxing in our bed, watching the food network before sleep... Which is what's happening right now.
Rogan was fussy today because of his shots I think. Hopefully tomorrow he's feeling better. He also had very little napping today. But he and I had fun at kohls buying new clothes for him.
My cat just turned 5... A switch flipped in her head and now she's a lap cat. I love it, except when I want to sleep. Which is right now.
Our back neighbors are having a party tonight. This guy has to be Russian mob. Gonna be a late loud night over there.
Ryan will be coming to bed late tonight... It's my turn to getup with Rogan in the morning.
I didnt do the dishes tonight... Ugh, will have to do them in the morning.
My hair is greasy... I didn't shower today... And I was stuck in union station yesterday sweating with 4000 people waiting for delayed commuter trains back to the burbs cause of an accident. So I was really sweaty yesterday... I shoulda showered... Oh well, tomorrow morning.
I love relaxing in our bed, watching the food network before sleep... Which is what's happening right now.
Rogan was fussy today because of his shots I think. Hopefully tomorrow he's feeling better. He also had very little napping today. But he and I had fun at kohls buying new clothes for him.
My cat just turned 5... A switch flipped in her head and now she's a lap cat. I love it, except when I want to sleep. Which is right now.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Rogan's 15 Month Check-Up
Ryan and Rogan went to the doctor tonight... I was spending 2 hours at union station due to an earlier crash on the tracks, so it was the first appointment I missed, but I got all the details.
Height. 32 inches, 75th percentile... He's been anywhere from 75-95th percentile depending on if the appt hits a growth spurt or not.
Weight. 25lbs 3oz, 70th percentile... Very consistent with the past.
Walking. Rogan still walks on his tiptoes occasionally, but doc says it's normal. His walking is great. Check.
Able to go down stairs... Check. Of course I'm right there too.
Starting to feed himself. Check. Getting better and better with spoons!
Responds to several commands. Yes, but Ryan and I don't do this enough. He knows "arms up", "no", "come here" sometimes. But we need to start working on "bring me your shoes" and stuff like that.
Talking. Check! Ryan says Rogan said most of his "words" for the doc. Since he babbles constantly I'm not surprised. Doc says Rogan is ahead for his age on the talking front. Hurray! My mom has been worried that he doesn't say enough talking... Leading to frequent paranoid google searches to find out what is "normal". Tonight I will not worry and will sleep well.
Rogan is right on target. He is a perfectly happy and healthy boy.
Height. 32 inches, 75th percentile... He's been anywhere from 75-95th percentile depending on if the appt hits a growth spurt or not.
Weight. 25lbs 3oz, 70th percentile... Very consistent with the past.
Walking. Rogan still walks on his tiptoes occasionally, but doc says it's normal. His walking is great. Check.
Able to go down stairs... Check. Of course I'm right there too.
Starting to feed himself. Check. Getting better and better with spoons!
Responds to several commands. Yes, but Ryan and I don't do this enough. He knows "arms up", "no", "come here" sometimes. But we need to start working on "bring me your shoes" and stuff like that.
Talking. Check! Ryan says Rogan said most of his "words" for the doc. Since he babbles constantly I'm not surprised. Doc says Rogan is ahead for his age on the talking front. Hurray! My mom has been worried that he doesn't say enough talking... Leading to frequent paranoid google searches to find out what is "normal". Tonight I will not worry and will sleep well.
Rogan is right on target. He is a perfectly happy and healthy boy.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Tracey's Axioms
Tracey's Rules to Live By
Another blog I read did this, so I'm going to keep the chain going.
Before anything else in life, is my family. My most valuable possessions are their support and the love we share.
Be proud of yourself and what you do. I try to look back on every day and find a moment that I can be proud of. Whether if it is finishing a project well at work, or doing something new with Rogan, or spending 15 minutes cleaning instead of sitting on the couch.
Forgive yourself. We all make mistakes, some are easily forgotten, others aren't. This is part of what makes us human. Mistakes will happen. Remember them, learn from them, and move on.
Be confident in your opinions and differences. We are not in high school anymore. Just because someone does something that is considered cool doesn't mean we all have to start doing it. Embrace how you are an individual.
Do not go to bed angry. The longest fight I have had with Ryan was just over 3 hours... And that is because we got in a fight on the way to a movie, watched the movie, and then finished fighting. But we still resolved it before we crawled into bed.
Do not be a martyr. And recognize when you are being one. If someone says you're being a martyr... They are probably right.
Ask for help. There is only so much you can do on your own. I'm not good at this. I always want to do it all. And then I get upset if I can finish, or too stressed when I should have just asked for help in the first place.
Be humble. Be grateful.
Eat green vegetables everyday... Rogan too.
Tell my son and husband I love them every day. And kiss each of them every day. Specifically kiss Ryan before leaving for work every day. Rogan gets kisses pretty much constantly. :)
Set goals in your life. Appreciate today, but look ahead to where you want to be.
Here are my less strict rules... But still very important.
Ketchup must always be in my fridge
I must unwind and watch tv in bed for at least 15 minutes before sleep
There are only 2 pairs of casual shoes... Swim sandals and snow boots. Somewhere I can feel my mom and sister cringe as they read the above.
Always brush your tongue when brushing your teeth.
I am allowed to sleep with Ryan Reynolds if the opportunity arises. For those of you who don't who who that is google image search him right now! But then stop... Cause he's mine.
Do not leave the car windows down... Spiders might crawl in!
Kill all spiders in house on sight.
And ALWAYS say please and thank you.
... Alright, that's my list. Ok Bloggers... Your turn!
Another blog I read did this, so I'm going to keep the chain going.
Before anything else in life, is my family. My most valuable possessions are their support and the love we share.
Be proud of yourself and what you do. I try to look back on every day and find a moment that I can be proud of. Whether if it is finishing a project well at work, or doing something new with Rogan, or spending 15 minutes cleaning instead of sitting on the couch.
Forgive yourself. We all make mistakes, some are easily forgotten, others aren't. This is part of what makes us human. Mistakes will happen. Remember them, learn from them, and move on.
Be confident in your opinions and differences. We are not in high school anymore. Just because someone does something that is considered cool doesn't mean we all have to start doing it. Embrace how you are an individual.
Do not go to bed angry. The longest fight I have had with Ryan was just over 3 hours... And that is because we got in a fight on the way to a movie, watched the movie, and then finished fighting. But we still resolved it before we crawled into bed.
Do not be a martyr. And recognize when you are being one. If someone says you're being a martyr... They are probably right.
Ask for help. There is only so much you can do on your own. I'm not good at this. I always want to do it all. And then I get upset if I can finish, or too stressed when I should have just asked for help in the first place.
Be humble. Be grateful.
Eat green vegetables everyday... Rogan too.
Tell my son and husband I love them every day. And kiss each of them every day. Specifically kiss Ryan before leaving for work every day. Rogan gets kisses pretty much constantly. :)
Set goals in your life. Appreciate today, but look ahead to where you want to be.
Here are my less strict rules... But still very important.
Ketchup must always be in my fridge
I must unwind and watch tv in bed for at least 15 minutes before sleep
There are only 2 pairs of casual shoes... Swim sandals and snow boots. Somewhere I can feel my mom and sister cringe as they read the above.
Always brush your tongue when brushing your teeth.
I am allowed to sleep with Ryan Reynolds if the opportunity arises. For those of you who don't who who that is google image search him right now! But then stop... Cause he's mine.
Do not leave the car windows down... Spiders might crawl in!
Kill all spiders in house on sight.
And ALWAYS say please and thank you.
... Alright, that's my list. Ok Bloggers... Your turn!
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