Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Throw-up Cough

Rogan has had a winter cough for a week or so. I THINK it's getting better. It's really wet and he's definitely coughing some of the phlem up and getting it out of his lungs. BUT this has created the throw-up cough. He coughs just enough to get phlem to lodge at the top of his throat and then he gags, and, well, you know the rest. Poor little guy! I feel so bad for him. Thank goodness it's only happened twice, and Rogan doesn't really seem to mind. It's only when I strip him down after that he has something to say about it.

First time was Tuesday night... after he ate dinner. Thank goodness Ryan got home shortly after so that he could give Rogan a bath and I could clean up the blueberry applesauce that was all over the carpet. :)

Second time was this morning. We just went downstairs to have him morning bottle. So thankgoodness it was basically just a lot of spit up. He still got my leg pretty good, though.

Hoping that we are on the tail end of this. We are supposed to head to Iowa to visit my dad's side of the family tomorrow morning for the weekend. My grandmother has pristine white carpet... please please lets not ruin it.

Adventures in parenthood continue....
I'll close this post with one of the cutest things. We've entered the age where he's doing what he's not supposed to be doing, and he knows it. He wasn't in any real danger, so I snapped a picture before pulling him out of his old baby carrier. we call this face "BUSTED".

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