I've been a bad, bad blogger. So here's the random catch-up.
Rogan is awesome, most of the time. He's at a great age. He's smart as a whip. He's funny. He's loving. Taking him out on an "adventure" to the museum or the zoo is now more enjoyable and less "work" for the parent. We can have conversations with him, and he has the memory of an elephant. I love watching him learn, and learn so fast. He's working on being potty trained, and the goal is to be out of diapers by the time he's 3 or right after. We will get more serious after the holidays. Best characteristic: His fun personality
He's also definitely an alpha male. He's stubborn and wants things his way, he will roar at you if he doesn't get his way. Yes, literally ROAR like a lion. And he's rebellious, telling him not to do something usually takes a few times, a warning, then a time out to get the point across. He doesn't eat anything, and could care less if he goes to bed without dinner. Worst characteristic: He will ask for something, I will say no, and he will keep asking... over, and over, and OVER. he will ask until I cave (there's only so many times i can hear "mommy, come up here!!!"), or he will get pissed I'm ignoring him and throw a fit.
Such a joy. Such a happy baby. He sleeps through the night. He goes to bed between 6:30 and 7am. then will wake up around 6:30am and talk to himself until we go get him. He eats like a horse. Definitely like's fruit more than veggies when it comes to babyfood. He wants whatever Rogan has, or sometimes just Rogan will do and grabs his shirt. He's almost crawling... we call it inch-worming. He has 2 teeth, and he chews on everything! (Rogan never put anything in his mouth, to the point that I didn't know why teething rings were so popular because my kid didn't like them). But Reid needs 3 teething rings within arms reach at all times, or else he'll go for Iron Man and use that instead!! The nature of man-on-man defense, Reid thinks Ryan is the best thing ever. While Rogan prefers me right now.
I'm racing to finish Reid's stocking for xmas. I'm excited to go home for the holidays, more excited because Rogan will be fun to watch at xmas now that he understands it. I really really want to sleep in... every mother's dream, I guess. Rogan still wakes up to get me probably 6 out of 7 nights. I'm up at 5:30am for work, and Rogan is usually 6:30 on weekends. So I would love to know that I could sleep in, then I could consiously stay up late at night, then get up past 8am. Someday.