Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Perfectly Content in My Normalness

I read several other blogs regularly.

Two of which are from mom's documenting their lives with children with special needs

Ryan knows them from college, and she is a brilliant writer and her son is amazing and cute.

The other one I stumbled upon because a friend of mine posted about it on facebook. Her daughter has an incredibly rare skin disorder, and she speaks about the ups and downs honestly and openly. And her kids are also just blain adorable.
Another blog I read is from two of my HS friends who got married while in college. Then after college moved to Mexico to plant a church. They now are raising 2 boys in Mexico with a 3rd on the way.

And then there's me.  And my family.  In Naperville.

Our kids are totally normal.  Walking down the street, playing at the park, my kids are the ones the special needs blogs above find themselves being jealous of.  My kids are what their kids were "supposed to be".

My perfectly normal kids are then able to go to perfectly normal daycare, and it allows Ryan and I to continue to work, providing more for our family.  The special needs mom's above are both stay at home moms, whether it's 100% their choice or because of their kids' needs isn't for me to say, but I assume it's a large deciding factor.

My family lives in a comfortable home, if it's hot, there's a.c.  If we want to take a bath, we'll make sure there are extra bubbles.  We don't have to worry about germs or diseases that accompany living in Mexico, and we're fortunate to have great medical coverage and a great pediatrician. 

Ryan and my profession does not have a direct impact on other people's lives (other than our kids).  We are not spreading religion, healing the sick, or giving to the poor when it comes to our jobs.  We are paid to provide a service, as many many other people are.  Ryan engineers transfer chutes so that mines and such can work more efficently.  And I work in finance, a greedy profession by nature, making money by making money.  Pension funds, insurance companies, wealthy individuals, you name it, can invest in a company like mine and we will do our best to make them some money while taking a little off the top. 

But thinking about all this, my normal kids, my comfortable home, our jobs, I am convinced this is exactly where I should be.  I shouldn't be in Mexico, that wasn't my calling, and I get a little cranky without A/C.  I would love my kids regardless of what special needs they have, but I'm super thankful everyday for my normal kids.  And even when they drive me freakin' crazy, they are mine.  And Ryan and I are doing our best to raise them how we feel is best.  Should I be working in another industry?  No.  I love my job.  It's challenging and fast and I've always been good at numbers.  So what if I'm making the rich richer?  I also might be helping a pension fund give money to retirees or helping insurance companies pay to help victims of hurricane Sandy (i'm just specualting, our list of investors is quite long)

So there it is.  I'm perfectly content in my normalness.  Enjoy the ride, folks.