Wednesday, April 18, 2012

So we have a plan....

A little part of me is saying this pregnancy went really fast, and I can't believe it's almost over.  A bigger part of me is yelling "YAY I WON'T BE PREGNANT ANYMORE!!!"  It's just not my favorite thing.  But my boy(s) are, so I am more than willing to do it, of course. 

Yesterday 4/17:  NST and OB appt.  Was checked and not even 1cm dialated.  No biggie, didn't expect anything.
Friday 4/20:  Hopefully my last NST (non-stress test).  Making sure Baby #2 is still all good.  The OB will check dialation again. 
Monday 4/23:  9AM amnio to confirm lung maturity.  Will hear results that afternoon.  Depending on results there are 3 possible scenarios:

1) lungs are mature, but still not dialated, so going into the hospital Monday night for some extra induction prep and induced Tuesday morning 4/24. My mom comes up to be with Rogan Monday night.
2) lungs are mature, dialated more, don't have to go into the hospital until Tuesday morning 4/24. My mom still comes up to be with Rogan Monday night.
3) lungs aren't mature... induction put on hold for maybe a week.  ugh.  My mom gets to stay home.  I become quite grumpy.

Hopefully 3) doesn't happen.  But if it does, that's ok, it's for the best.  I'm going on leave from work this Friday regardless.  It's just the way it worked out.  Plus, if I get news that will keep me pregnant another week I don't think many people will want to be around me.  haha.

So I could have 2 boys in 6 days?!?!  Crazy.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Rainy Weekend

This weekend we had very little going on.  I was hoping to fill it with outdoor activities for Rogan, but then mother nature decided to rain on us intermittently all weekend.  argh.  So no park, no zoo. 

Rogan did have sports class with Ryan, as they will for the next several Saturday's that I know he enjoys.  And we got to the grocery store, where he likes to ride in the cart and run around.  Yesterday after his nap we were headed to the park (it hadn't rained since the middle of the night), and it literally started up again as we walked out the door.  Rogan and Ryan went outside first and I heard lil man "it's raining!"... argh.  But no worries, we went to Airtastic instead.  It's a fun building of inflatable slides and obstacle courses for kids to climb on.  We hadn't been in months.  Primarily because he was still on the younger side to go there.  But this time he proved he can (and wants) to hang with the big kids.  While there are 3 or 4 jumpers that are built for kids his age, yesterday Rogan quickly wandered over to the big kid stuff and (literally) dove in.  He had a blast. 

He also let me just sit and watch him, running over to give me a sweaty hug every once in a while and tell me what he just did and to make sure I saw it.  Very cute.  Ryan, on the other hand, was running around with him making sure he could handle the new big kid stuff. 

Here is an example of the big kid stuff he fearlessly tried.  Climbing up the inflatable stairs like a monkey...

Sliding down!  The blurriness should show just how fast he was going... not a slow slide!    He did this at least 10 times.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

LIttle Devil / Little Angel

4:20am ... Rogan falls out of the bottom of the bed (I don't know how, he was at the top when I put him to bed).  I go in to soothe and help... "mommy I want juice, I want to go downstairs." 

thus starts a 70 minute battle. "no, it's night time, you can't go downstairs, we need to go back to bed, come lay down with me"... all while he's screaming at Ryan and I in his room.

5:30am rolls around, Ryan goes to take a shower, I reach the point where I know the time it would take to MAYBE put him down would be worthless since he needs to be up by 6:20 or so anyways, and I'm supposed to be out the door to work by 6am.  so we go downstairs... and he's quite happy about that.  argh.

so we have a very grumpy, tired child on our hands.

But... as I was leaving, late, since Ryan wasn't done until almost 6am and I still needed to shower.  Rogan was very sweet asking for a kiss and a hug, and then ANOTHER kiss and hug.  Though I think it was just a ploy to try to get me not to go to work, it was very cute and made the past 2 hours seem not so bad.  Rogan, I love you, even when you're screaming your head off at me at 4:30 in the morning.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Bedtime Dance

It has to be me. Currently, if I'm in the house, I'm putting Rogan to bed. And I'm getting up in the middle of the night. 1) because Ryan doesn't hear him through the monitor and 2) because Rogan screams for me if he tries and it's harder to listen to that than just do it myself. But it's wearing on me. After 3 months, I'm tired. And now on top of it I'm uncomfortable and moody and don't want to be pregnant anymore. So I'm grumpy. And the dance that Rogan makes us do... Ugh! Moving me from one side of the bed to the other, rearranging pillows, blankie and then no blankie, talking, singing, sitting up, laying down, rolling, and heaven forbid there is a toy or stuffed animal to also throw into the mix. Oh, and occasionally he rolls with all his might and we bonk heads really hard, which sucks so bad. This dance the past few night has taken over 45 minutes. 45 min of me laying there uncomfortable, and I can't yell cause that won't help anything, so he just does his thing, and I'm stuck. Until he's asleep, then I pull my huge pregnant self off his bed and out the door. Not a fan.

Tonight just wasn't the night for it. I wasn't in the mood. I love you, but go to bed, and stop rolling on top of me and handing me pillows you demand to be put back where they were 2 seconds later. So now I'm an even more moody mess than I was before. Argh... Going to bed. Hopefully tomorrow I'm in a better mood.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

We had an early Easter lunch on Saturday with my family.  I cooked ham, mashed potatoes, and made seven-layer salad and deviled eggs.  Traditional easter faire.  It's what we would have had if my Grandad was still around, and I like keeping up the tradition.  My mom also brought fruit salad, rolls, and carrot cake.  Pretty much everything was devoured.  And Rogan sat and ate with us most of the time... though he only ate potatoes and bread.  oh well.

After lunch Rogan played outside with my mom, and then took a nap with the other guys (my dad and Ryan slept too) while the women (my mom, sister, and I) went to the outlet mall.  My sister got new Kate Spade gear, I looked but didn't buy a Coach Diaper bag, and we also stopped at Ralph Lauren and J. Crew for them.  By the time we got home Rogan was up (he slept for over 2 hours!) and it was time for cake and egg coloring!  Here are some highlights.  I couldn't find the camera, so apologies on quality, these are from my phone.  But some is better than none!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Baby Month!

Well, hopefully.  If I'm still pregnant in May... I will not be happy. 

I'm now going to the OB twice a week, ugh, for NST's... non stress tests... where every time the baby moves I push a jeopardy button and they make sure his HR is going up and down with his movements.  It's a minimum of 20 mins, could take a long time if the baby decides to take a nap.  But so far he's been cooperative... and I like to nudge him to get him to move.

My ankles have vanished.  Bye Bye shoes... hello flip flops.  Flip flops that start the day nice and loose and comfy, and by 1pm are as tight as can be around my feet... and my little toes that were little to begin with are swallowed up by my huge feet.  And it's not just my ankes, it really goes all the way up to my knees, if not farther.  Elevating doesn't really do anything, going to ask for addition remedies tonight. 

Getting to the point where i'm REALLY ready to not be pregnant anymore.  I know he shouldn't come out YET... but if he wants to come out exactly at 37 weeks (which is technically full term), I definitely won't fight it.  Hoping the induction isn't any later than 38.

Rogan is being a great big boy.  He doesn't understand the concept of having a baby brother, but he will.  And I think he'll transition ok.  He's just glad he can play outside now.  That's really his only goal in life right now.  That, and watching Gabba or Dora. 

We took him out to eat 2 weeks ago on a Friday night... BWW's.  He was great!  He sat with us the whole time and ate his food.  I was a very proud mama.  He did do a little talking/flirting with the group of girls behind us, but they didn't seem to mind.  I'm thinking we'll take him out again this week or next to another family friendly place.