Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rogan Prenatal Stats vs. Baby #2

Ok so I found Rogan's stats:

28 week growth ultrasound:
Rogan: 3lb 14oz
Baby #2: 3lb 7oz

32 week ultrasound either I didn't have one with Rogan (which I think is what happened) or I didn't write it down.

But I had one at 36 weeks, Rogan was estimated at 8lbs 2oz (though this is total crap, he was born 10 days later at 8lbs 6oz).

So we shall see what 36 weeks brings!

Rogan's funny comment from last night:
He loves to be pushed outside on his "cars" or his trike. Usually it's the trike. He's not really into pedalling, so he has been letting his shoes drag on the ground. This weekend Ryan told him a few times not to do that because he was hurting his shoes. I, though, didn't really care, he outgrows the shoes way faster than he could wear them out, but whatever.

Last night Rogan is on his trike and he tells me, "mom, I gonna hurt my shoes". meaning he wants me to push him while he's dragging his feet. I thought this was hilarious. My response: "well, at least you listen when daddy's talking.". Ha. At that moment Ryan got home too so he could hear Rogan tell of his desire to hurt his shoes too.

Baby #2 Update

Name Update:
Well I think we finally decided on a name... we've had the first for a while, it was the middle name that was giving us some trouble. Ryan liked one, I liked another. And in the end we decided to compromise since our 2nd favorite was the same. So I can cross that task off my list, as small as it may be. Most family knows, but it won't be revealed publicly until after he's here.

Growth Update:
As of yesterday Baby #2's head was the average size of a 35 week old, abdomen of a 34 week old, and legs of a 33 week old. (note he's really in between 32 and 33 weeks right now).

This is all very normal, and reminds me of Rogan. Rogan's legs lagged in ultrasound measurements too, and now he's the 90th% with long legs. So it doesn't mean much. Also, the last ultrasound we had with Rogan before he was born his head was "off the charts", since the growth chart only went up to 42 weeks, and he was supposedly above that. He ended up with a large, but not freakish head. So I take that measurement with a grain of salt as well. All it means to me is that baby #2 is growing a LOT like his older brother, and is healthy, which is priority 1.

All this sums up to an estimated weight of 5lbs 7oz right now. I WISH I could find Rogan's stats from this time. I know I have them somewhere. I will look today.

5-6 weeks left to go (hopefully).

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

3 for 3!!!

Rogan sleeping through the night, that is. Three nights, no interuptions. Amazing!

I checked the calendar this morning, and Rogan has been "crib free" since Jan 8, 2012. So the whole process took about 2 months, but he has done so well!

The past few nights I've heard him rustle in the night. Sometimes he says something, sometimes I just hear a lot of rolling around as he resituates. But the key is that he put himself back to sleep. He didn't get up looking for me, and didn't need me to make it through the night. He has been putting himself back to sleep by himself since he was 6 months old, so we know he knows how to do it. It was just a matter of him getting back in the habit in a new bed. And dealing with his newfound freedom.

On top of his awesome sleeping through the night, he is also sleeping LATER!! We are definitely back to after 6am, which is all I ask for. This morning according to Ryan was 7:15, which he has only done a handful of times. I think the new warm weather and running around outside is contributing to his better sleeping. He's certainly growing up.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Trip to the Zoo


ok, so he got a little distracted at the end by Yo Gabba Gabba... but Rogan CAN sing his entire ABC's. And usually he does so while banging on something, like he is here.