I've been a bad, bad blogger. So here's the random catch-up.
Rogan is awesome, most of the time. He's at a great age. He's smart as a whip. He's funny. He's loving. Taking him out on an "adventure" to the museum or the zoo is now more enjoyable and less "work" for the parent. We can have conversations with him, and he has the memory of an elephant. I love watching him learn, and learn so fast. He's working on being potty trained, and the goal is to be out of diapers by the time he's 3 or right after. We will get more serious after the holidays. Best characteristic: His fun personality
He's also definitely an alpha male. He's stubborn and wants things his way, he will roar at you if he doesn't get his way. Yes, literally ROAR like a lion. And he's rebellious, telling him not to do something usually takes a few times, a warning, then a time out to get the point across. He doesn't eat anything, and could care less if he goes to bed without dinner. Worst characteristic: He will ask for something, I will say no, and he will keep asking... over, and over, and OVER. he will ask until I cave (there's only so many times i can hear "mommy, come up here!!!"), or he will get pissed I'm ignoring him and throw a fit.
Such a joy. Such a happy baby. He sleeps through the night. He goes to bed between 6:30 and 7am. then will wake up around 6:30am and talk to himself until we go get him. He eats like a horse. Definitely like's fruit more than veggies when it comes to babyfood. He wants whatever Rogan has, or sometimes just Rogan will do and grabs his shirt. He's almost crawling... we call it inch-worming. He has 2 teeth, and he chews on everything! (Rogan never put anything in his mouth, to the point that I didn't know why teething rings were so popular because my kid didn't like them). But Reid needs 3 teething rings within arms reach at all times, or else he'll go for Iron Man and use that instead!! The nature of man-on-man defense, Reid thinks Ryan is the best thing ever. While Rogan prefers me right now.
I'm racing to finish Reid's stocking for xmas. I'm excited to go home for the holidays, more excited because Rogan will be fun to watch at xmas now that he understands it. I really really want to sleep in... every mother's dream, I guess. Rogan still wakes up to get me probably 6 out of 7 nights. I'm up at 5:30am for work, and Rogan is usually 6:30 on weekends. So I would love to know that I could sleep in, then I could consiously stay up late at night, then get up past 8am. Someday.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Perfectly Content in My Normalness
I read several other blogs regularly.
Two of which are from mom's documenting their lives with children with special needs
Ryan knows them from college, and she is a brilliant writer and her son is amazing and cute.
The other one I stumbled upon because a friend of mine posted about it on facebook. Her daughter has an incredibly rare skin disorder, and she speaks about the ups and downs honestly and openly. And her kids are also just blain adorable.
Another blog I read is from two of my HS friends who got married while in college. Then after college moved to Mexico to plant a church. They now are raising 2 boys in Mexico with a 3rd on the way.
And then there's me. And my family. In Naperville.
Our kids are totally normal. Walking down the street, playing at the park, my kids are the ones the special needs blogs above find themselves being jealous of. My kids are what their kids were "supposed to be".
My perfectly normal kids are then able to go to perfectly normal daycare, and it allows Ryan and I to continue to work, providing more for our family. The special needs mom's above are both stay at home moms, whether it's 100% their choice or because of their kids' needs isn't for me to say, but I assume it's a large deciding factor.
My family lives in a comfortable home, if it's hot, there's a.c. If we want to take a bath, we'll make sure there are extra bubbles. We don't have to worry about germs or diseases that accompany living in Mexico, and we're fortunate to have great medical coverage and a great pediatrician.
Ryan and my profession does not have a direct impact on other people's lives (other than our kids). We are not spreading religion, healing the sick, or giving to the poor when it comes to our jobs. We are paid to provide a service, as many many other people are. Ryan engineers transfer chutes so that mines and such can work more efficently. And I work in finance, a greedy profession by nature, making money by making money. Pension funds, insurance companies, wealthy individuals, you name it, can invest in a company like mine and we will do our best to make them some money while taking a little off the top.
But thinking about all this, my normal kids, my comfortable home, our jobs, I am convinced this is exactly where I should be. I shouldn't be in Mexico, that wasn't my calling, and I get a little cranky without A/C. I would love my kids regardless of what special needs they have, but I'm super thankful everyday for my normal kids. And even when they drive me freakin' crazy, they are mine. And Ryan and I are doing our best to raise them how we feel is best. Should I be working in another industry? No. I love my job. It's challenging and fast and I've always been good at numbers. So what if I'm making the rich richer? I also might be helping a pension fund give money to retirees or helping insurance companies pay to help victims of hurricane Sandy (i'm just specualting, our list of investors is quite long)
So there it is. I'm perfectly content in my normalness. Enjoy the ride, folks.
Two of which are from mom's documenting their lives with children with special needs
Ryan knows them from college, and she is a brilliant writer and her son is amazing and cute.
The other one I stumbled upon because a friend of mine posted about it on facebook. Her daughter has an incredibly rare skin disorder, and she speaks about the ups and downs honestly and openly. And her kids are also just blain adorable.
Another blog I read is from two of my HS friends who got married while in college. Then after college moved to Mexico to plant a church. They now are raising 2 boys in Mexico with a 3rd on the way.
And then there's me. And my family. In Naperville.
Our kids are totally normal. Walking down the street, playing at the park, my kids are the ones the special needs blogs above find themselves being jealous of. My kids are what their kids were "supposed to be".
My perfectly normal kids are then able to go to perfectly normal daycare, and it allows Ryan and I to continue to work, providing more for our family. The special needs mom's above are both stay at home moms, whether it's 100% their choice or because of their kids' needs isn't for me to say, but I assume it's a large deciding factor.
My family lives in a comfortable home, if it's hot, there's a.c. If we want to take a bath, we'll make sure there are extra bubbles. We don't have to worry about germs or diseases that accompany living in Mexico, and we're fortunate to have great medical coverage and a great pediatrician.
Ryan and my profession does not have a direct impact on other people's lives (other than our kids). We are not spreading religion, healing the sick, or giving to the poor when it comes to our jobs. We are paid to provide a service, as many many other people are. Ryan engineers transfer chutes so that mines and such can work more efficently. And I work in finance, a greedy profession by nature, making money by making money. Pension funds, insurance companies, wealthy individuals, you name it, can invest in a company like mine and we will do our best to make them some money while taking a little off the top.
But thinking about all this, my normal kids, my comfortable home, our jobs, I am convinced this is exactly where I should be. I shouldn't be in Mexico, that wasn't my calling, and I get a little cranky without A/C. I would love my kids regardless of what special needs they have, but I'm super thankful everyday for my normal kids. And even when they drive me freakin' crazy, they are mine. And Ryan and I are doing our best to raise them how we feel is best. Should I be working in another industry? No. I love my job. It's challenging and fast and I've always been good at numbers. So what if I'm making the rich richer? I also might be helping a pension fund give money to retirees or helping insurance companies pay to help victims of hurricane Sandy (i'm just specualting, our list of investors is quite long)
So there it is. I'm perfectly content in my normalness. Enjoy the ride, folks.
Monday, October 29, 2012
reid 6 month post
19lbs, 5oz. and 27.5"
he's a big lovable boy! he's right on track. he can't sit up yet, but he's getting close. he's such a smiley, chill baby. as of today he has 1 tooth!!!!
mood: very content. if he wants to be held, he will let you know. but usually he is content to play around on the floor, in his execs acre, his bouncer, or whatever. he prefers if big brother is close by playing too.
sleep: he goes to bed between 6-7pm, wakes up for a snack between 9-10pm, downs it in the dark, and he's back out for the night. he will wake up for good between 6-6:30am.
eating: no more nursing! hes a bottle man now, and doing a great job. he still likes his milk warm, and usually eats 5-7oz at a time. he also loves rice cereal and just started on baby food.
likes: big brother, grabbing anything, tickles, looking at himself in the mirror, playing with his toys.
dislikes: teething, mommy walking away to make dinner when he is grumpy, and being cold.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
potty time!
This morning we kept Rogan naked from the waist down, and he used the bathroom, properly like a big boy. I'm a proud mommy. The key is to keep him naked, which after a while he wants a diaper and pants back on, and if that's the case he won't let us know when he has to go. So this will be a process, but day 1 went awesome. And he was so pleased with himself.
Friday, August 31, 2012
He's Not Just Cute, He Does Tricks, Too...
That's kind of how I feel sometimes talking about my kids. "Well, what can they do???" And I start rattling off the milestones that my kids have reached. It's hard for parents of similar aged kids to not compare one to the other, it happens, and it doesn't really bother me.
Reid, as of Monday, can roll over. Though I have never SEEN him do this yet.
First time: Picking him up from daycare he was down for a nap upstairs. I went up to find him on his tummy, sucking his thumb. I asked A if she put him on his tummy to nap, she said no, on his back. So that seals it, he rolled over.
Second time: Last night, he was on the playmat, I was in the chair with Rogan. I looked down and he was on his tummy. I missed it again! hrmph.
He's getting so big so fast!!
Rogan, is also getting big. He has quite the vocabulary. Funny words he says are
it's slippity (slippery)
crack-late (chocolate)
to infinity, and beyond!! (buzz lightyear is huge in my house)
Reid, as of Monday, can roll over. Though I have never SEEN him do this yet.
First time: Picking him up from daycare he was down for a nap upstairs. I went up to find him on his tummy, sucking his thumb. I asked A if she put him on his tummy to nap, she said no, on his back. So that seals it, he rolled over.
Second time: Last night, he was on the playmat, I was in the chair with Rogan. I looked down and he was on his tummy. I missed it again! hrmph.
He's getting so big so fast!!
Rogan, is also getting big. He has quite the vocabulary. Funny words he says are
it's slippity (slippery)
crack-late (chocolate)
to infinity, and beyond!! (buzz lightyear is huge in my house)
Monday, July 30, 2012
Baby Laughs
Reid started laughing this weekend. Cute little chuckles, I love it. He's such a laid back, happy baby. Unless he's tired. But usually he's totally go with the flow. He'll start chuckling if you laugh at him. or if you take his shirt off and start to tickle him. Hopefully I can get something on video soon.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Adult Time / Parent Time
First ... Reid ate 10 OUNCES at daycare on Friday. He usually eats about 4, so this was HUGE. Way to go lil man. (Monday (yesterday) he ate 5, but still more than the norm, so I'll take it!)
Yesterday Ryan and I took off work. Our kids still went to daycare. We went and saw Dark Knight Rises in IMAX at 9am. After we had a relaxing sit down breakfast. And we followed the movie with a relaxing sit down lunch (adult beverages included). It was so nice to talk. So nice to just be us. So nice to not be responsible for any one else, for just that short time. We have been very lucky that our family is close enough that they usually babysit for us when they come into town so Ryan and I can get out for dinner or a movie. It really helps reset everything. I missed the boys a ton. But I also got an awesome nap, a nap with no baby monitor to wake me up. And it was great sleep. I think getting out to do adult activities away from your kids is important. Important to parents' sanity and to a marriage.
After our morning / early afternoon of independence, the boys were picked up and we were back in family mode. Both boys are a bit Mommy-centric. Rogan just flat out prefers me to Ryan right now, and I know that's hard for Ryan. Rogan will yell at Ryan, saying things like "no, not YOU!!", "go away!!", and the inevitable "i want mommy". We are trying to work on this. And I think it's gotten a tad bit better, but not a lot. And Reid is still nursing, so that requires me too. So I take whoever needs me the most, and Ryan runs defense, dealing with a possibly upset boy who's not with me. When the boys are around, and now that we have 2, both of us are pretty much always in "parent mode".
Parent mode: hearing improves to listen for curious toddler getting into things they shouldn't be or babies starting to fuss. eyesight improves to react quickly and tell curious toddlers that they should NOT be doing whatever they are doing. reflexes like a cat: to catch whatever is being knocked over.
Last night Rogan put both Ryan and I through the ringer, deciding he was "not sleepy anymore" at 1:30am. ugh. His mid-night desires included: juice (ok), being rocked while standing (ok until my arms give out), sleeping in our bed (errr... no), going downstairs (NO!), and the ipad (which we eventually gave to get him to lay back down in bed). It took over 2 hours to get him back to sleep. He's only done this a few times. He's usually a very good sleeper. So my night was: asleep at 10pm, Reid up to eat at 12am, Rogan up at 1:30, Reid up to eat at 3:30 (Rogan yelled at Ryan most of the time), Rogan asleep at 3:40, me asleep at 4 (after my nerves settled back down), alarm goes of at 5:20 for work. yuck... yawn.
but... after all that... i still really miss them right now. ahh the joys of parent time.
Yesterday Ryan and I took off work. Our kids still went to daycare. We went and saw Dark Knight Rises in IMAX at 9am. After we had a relaxing sit down breakfast. And we followed the movie with a relaxing sit down lunch (adult beverages included). It was so nice to talk. So nice to just be us. So nice to not be responsible for any one else, for just that short time. We have been very lucky that our family is close enough that they usually babysit for us when they come into town so Ryan and I can get out for dinner or a movie. It really helps reset everything. I missed the boys a ton. But I also got an awesome nap, a nap with no baby monitor to wake me up. And it was great sleep. I think getting out to do adult activities away from your kids is important. Important to parents' sanity and to a marriage.
After our morning / early afternoon of independence, the boys were picked up and we were back in family mode. Both boys are a bit Mommy-centric. Rogan just flat out prefers me to Ryan right now, and I know that's hard for Ryan. Rogan will yell at Ryan, saying things like "no, not YOU!!", "go away!!", and the inevitable "i want mommy". We are trying to work on this. And I think it's gotten a tad bit better, but not a lot. And Reid is still nursing, so that requires me too. So I take whoever needs me the most, and Ryan runs defense, dealing with a possibly upset boy who's not with me. When the boys are around, and now that we have 2, both of us are pretty much always in "parent mode".
Parent mode: hearing improves to listen for curious toddler getting into things they shouldn't be or babies starting to fuss. eyesight improves to react quickly and tell curious toddlers that they should NOT be doing whatever they are doing. reflexes like a cat: to catch whatever is being knocked over.
Last night Rogan put both Ryan and I through the ringer, deciding he was "not sleepy anymore" at 1:30am. ugh. His mid-night desires included: juice (ok), being rocked while standing (ok until my arms give out), sleeping in our bed (errr... no), going downstairs (NO!), and the ipad (which we eventually gave to get him to lay back down in bed). It took over 2 hours to get him back to sleep. He's only done this a few times. He's usually a very good sleeper. So my night was: asleep at 10pm, Reid up to eat at 12am, Rogan up at 1:30, Reid up to eat at 3:30 (Rogan yelled at Ryan most of the time), Rogan asleep at 3:40, me asleep at 4 (after my nerves settled back down), alarm goes of at 5:20 for work. yuck... yawn.
but... after all that... i still really miss them right now. ahh the joys of parent time.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Big Chubby Baby
I just bought size 3 diapers for my 12 week old. Oh my. He's quite a lovely little chunk.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Bottles vs. Nursing
When Rogan was a newborn, he wanted nothing to do with nursing. He was never great at it, and after he had jaundice and we had to supplement him with formula, there was no changing his mind. So I pumped for 10 weeks and then he was given formula until he turned 1.
Reid is the complete opposite. A nursing champ, and always has been. I wanted to keep it that way, so we didn't give him a bottle until he was 4 weeks old, and now, he's 12 weeks, and he's still not a huge fan. argh.
And because I had 1 boy who did nurse and 1 who didn't, I totally don't judge ANYONE who does one or the other. Really. Sometimes nursing works, othertimes it doesn't. And that's ok. It's a personal decision everyone has to make themselves, and sometimes it's out of your hands. And they shouldn't be pressured to do one or the other. I felt a ton of pressure when Rogan wouldn't nurse. And a sense of "failing" that I think really hindered me from enjoying his first few weeks. And look at him... he's FINE. More than fine, the kid's awesome and smart and funny. ok, back the the post.
I feel like he's slowly getting better, especially with Ryan and I. He'll usually take a bottle from me, maybe a little more of a fuss from Ryan, but he'll drink at least SOME.
But at daycare he's definitely not drinking a lot. 4 oz typically in a span of 10 hours... that's not enough. it should be more like 10-12. I haven't weighed him since he started at daycare, but he doesn't seem to be losing any weight. So that puts my mind slightly at ease. And he nurses in the evenings and throughout the night so I know then he's getting all he needs. But it's FRUSTRATING! I don't like knowing that my baby is possible hungry all day. EAT, LITTLE BOY, EAT! I have been assured that he's not crying all day (thank goodness), and he's generally a happy baby. And he is all those things when he's with me, too. So I don't think any damage is being done by him not taking a bottle well. Hrmph.
He will be 3 months next week, and at 4 months we will start introducing rice cereal and eating from a spoon. So even if he still hates bottles then, at least he'll get a little more by being spoon fed then.
Then the other issue is: when can I stop nursing? I love the ease of it in the middle of the night. Yes, we bond, but I don't think it's any more of a bond than I had while feeding Rogan a bottle. The closeness is still there with both. And while it's super easy to nurse him in the middle of the night rather than make a bottle, it's a PAIN other time. (TMI warning) It's messy! Pumping at work is annoying. Having to wear tops with support or bras at all time is annoying. Having your boobs HURT because you've been away from your kid/pump too long is annoying. So when will I stop??? Well I definitely can't stop until Reid likes bottles a lot more. Do I wait until he sleeps through the night so I don't have to make bottles half asleep? hmm. I'm just taking it 1 week at a time.
Reid is the complete opposite. A nursing champ, and always has been. I wanted to keep it that way, so we didn't give him a bottle until he was 4 weeks old, and now, he's 12 weeks, and he's still not a huge fan. argh.
And because I had 1 boy who did nurse and 1 who didn't, I totally don't judge ANYONE who does one or the other. Really. Sometimes nursing works, othertimes it doesn't. And that's ok. It's a personal decision everyone has to make themselves, and sometimes it's out of your hands. And they shouldn't be pressured to do one or the other. I felt a ton of pressure when Rogan wouldn't nurse. And a sense of "failing" that I think really hindered me from enjoying his first few weeks. And look at him... he's FINE. More than fine, the kid's awesome and smart and funny. ok, back the the post.
I feel like he's slowly getting better, especially with Ryan and I. He'll usually take a bottle from me, maybe a little more of a fuss from Ryan, but he'll drink at least SOME.
But at daycare he's definitely not drinking a lot. 4 oz typically in a span of 10 hours... that's not enough. it should be more like 10-12. I haven't weighed him since he started at daycare, but he doesn't seem to be losing any weight. So that puts my mind slightly at ease. And he nurses in the evenings and throughout the night so I know then he's getting all he needs. But it's FRUSTRATING! I don't like knowing that my baby is possible hungry all day. EAT, LITTLE BOY, EAT! I have been assured that he's not crying all day (thank goodness), and he's generally a happy baby. And he is all those things when he's with me, too. So I don't think any damage is being done by him not taking a bottle well. Hrmph.
He will be 3 months next week, and at 4 months we will start introducing rice cereal and eating from a spoon. So even if he still hates bottles then, at least he'll get a little more by being spoon fed then.
Then the other issue is: when can I stop nursing? I love the ease of it in the middle of the night. Yes, we bond, but I don't think it's any more of a bond than I had while feeding Rogan a bottle. The closeness is still there with both. And while it's super easy to nurse him in the middle of the night rather than make a bottle, it's a PAIN other time. (TMI warning) It's messy! Pumping at work is annoying. Having to wear tops with support or bras at all time is annoying. Having your boobs HURT because you've been away from your kid/pump too long is annoying. So when will I stop??? Well I definitely can't stop until Reid likes bottles a lot more. Do I wait until he sleeps through the night so I don't have to make bottles half asleep? hmm. I'm just taking it 1 week at a time.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Yes, I'm alive, and Reid William is (has been) here!
He's here! Born 4/24/12 at 6:31pm, 8lbs 8oz, 20 inches long. I'm very happy to be the mom to two healthy boys, and to not be pregnant anymore! And 99% sure not to be pregnant ever again! Our family feels complete. Reid's birth: They broke my water and started pitocin at 9am, epidural around noon, epidural started to fade around 4pm, argh, and after 15 minutes of pushing he was born!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
So we have a plan....
A little part of me is saying this pregnancy went really fast, and I can't believe it's almost over. A bigger part of me is yelling "YAY I WON'T BE PREGNANT ANYMORE!!!" It's just not my favorite thing. But my boy(s) are, so I am more than willing to do it, of course.
Yesterday 4/17: NST and OB appt. Was checked and not even 1cm dialated. No biggie, didn't expect anything.
Friday 4/20: Hopefully my last NST (non-stress test). Making sure Baby #2 is still all good. The OB will check dialation again.
Monday 4/23: 9AM amnio to confirm lung maturity. Will hear results that afternoon. Depending on results there are 3 possible scenarios:
1) lungs are mature, but still not dialated, so going into the hospital Monday night for some extra induction prep and induced Tuesday morning 4/24. My mom comes up to be with Rogan Monday night.
2) lungs are mature, dialated more, don't have to go into the hospital until Tuesday morning 4/24. My mom still comes up to be with Rogan Monday night.
3) lungs aren't mature... induction put on hold for maybe a week. ugh. My mom gets to stay home. I become quite grumpy.
Hopefully 3) doesn't happen. But if it does, that's ok, it's for the best. I'm going on leave from work this Friday regardless. It's just the way it worked out. Plus, if I get news that will keep me pregnant another week I don't think many people will want to be around me. haha.
So I could have 2 boys in 6 days?!?! Crazy.
Yesterday 4/17: NST and OB appt. Was checked and not even 1cm dialated. No biggie, didn't expect anything.
Friday 4/20: Hopefully my last NST (non-stress test). Making sure Baby #2 is still all good. The OB will check dialation again.
Monday 4/23: 9AM amnio to confirm lung maturity. Will hear results that afternoon. Depending on results there are 3 possible scenarios:
1) lungs are mature, but still not dialated, so going into the hospital Monday night for some extra induction prep and induced Tuesday morning 4/24. My mom comes up to be with Rogan Monday night.
2) lungs are mature, dialated more, don't have to go into the hospital until Tuesday morning 4/24. My mom still comes up to be with Rogan Monday night.
3) lungs aren't mature... induction put on hold for maybe a week. ugh. My mom gets to stay home. I become quite grumpy.
Hopefully 3) doesn't happen. But if it does, that's ok, it's for the best. I'm going on leave from work this Friday regardless. It's just the way it worked out. Plus, if I get news that will keep me pregnant another week I don't think many people will want to be around me. haha.
So I could have 2 boys in 6 days?!?! Crazy.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Rainy Weekend
This weekend we had very little going on. I was hoping to fill it with outdoor activities for Rogan, but then mother nature decided to rain on us intermittently all weekend. argh. So no park, no zoo.
Rogan did have sports class with Ryan, as they will for the next several Saturday's that I know he enjoys. And we got to the grocery store, where he likes to ride in the cart and run around. Yesterday after his nap we were headed to the park (it hadn't rained since the middle of the night), and it literally started up again as we walked out the door. Rogan and Ryan went outside first and I heard lil man "it's raining!"... argh. But no worries, we went to Airtastic instead. It's a fun building of inflatable slides and obstacle courses for kids to climb on. We hadn't been in months. Primarily because he was still on the younger side to go there. But this time he proved he can (and wants) to hang with the big kids. While there are 3 or 4 jumpers that are built for kids his age, yesterday Rogan quickly wandered over to the big kid stuff and (literally) dove in. He had a blast.
He also let me just sit and watch him, running over to give me a sweaty hug every once in a while and tell me what he just did and to make sure I saw it. Very cute. Ryan, on the other hand, was running around with him making sure he could handle the new big kid stuff.
Here is an example of the big kid stuff he fearlessly tried. Climbing up the inflatable stairs like a monkey...
Sliding down! The blurriness should show just how fast he was going... not a slow slide! He did this at least 10 times.
Rogan did have sports class with Ryan, as they will for the next several Saturday's that I know he enjoys. And we got to the grocery store, where he likes to ride in the cart and run around. Yesterday after his nap we were headed to the park (it hadn't rained since the middle of the night), and it literally started up again as we walked out the door. Rogan and Ryan went outside first and I heard lil man "it's raining!"... argh. But no worries, we went to Airtastic instead. It's a fun building of inflatable slides and obstacle courses for kids to climb on. We hadn't been in months. Primarily because he was still on the younger side to go there. But this time he proved he can (and wants) to hang with the big kids. While there are 3 or 4 jumpers that are built for kids his age, yesterday Rogan quickly wandered over to the big kid stuff and (literally) dove in. He had a blast.
He also let me just sit and watch him, running over to give me a sweaty hug every once in a while and tell me what he just did and to make sure I saw it. Very cute. Ryan, on the other hand, was running around with him making sure he could handle the new big kid stuff.
Here is an example of the big kid stuff he fearlessly tried. Climbing up the inflatable stairs like a monkey...
Sliding down! The blurriness should show just how fast he was going... not a slow slide! He did this at least 10 times.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
LIttle Devil / Little Angel
4:20am ... Rogan falls out of the bottom of the bed (I don't know how, he was at the top when I put him to bed). I go in to soothe and help... "mommy I want juice, I want to go downstairs."
thus starts a 70 minute battle. "no, it's night time, you can't go downstairs, we need to go back to bed, come lay down with me"... all while he's screaming at Ryan and I in his room.
5:30am rolls around, Ryan goes to take a shower, I reach the point where I know the time it would take to MAYBE put him down would be worthless since he needs to be up by 6:20 or so anyways, and I'm supposed to be out the door to work by 6am. so we go downstairs... and he's quite happy about that. argh.
so we have a very grumpy, tired child on our hands.
But... as I was leaving, late, since Ryan wasn't done until almost 6am and I still needed to shower. Rogan was very sweet asking for a kiss and a hug, and then ANOTHER kiss and hug. Though I think it was just a ploy to try to get me not to go to work, it was very cute and made the past 2 hours seem not so bad. Rogan, I love you, even when you're screaming your head off at me at 4:30 in the morning.
thus starts a 70 minute battle. "no, it's night time, you can't go downstairs, we need to go back to bed, come lay down with me"... all while he's screaming at Ryan and I in his room.
5:30am rolls around, Ryan goes to take a shower, I reach the point where I know the time it would take to MAYBE put him down would be worthless since he needs to be up by 6:20 or so anyways, and I'm supposed to be out the door to work by 6am. so we go downstairs... and he's quite happy about that. argh.
so we have a very grumpy, tired child on our hands.
But... as I was leaving, late, since Ryan wasn't done until almost 6am and I still needed to shower. Rogan was very sweet asking for a kiss and a hug, and then ANOTHER kiss and hug. Though I think it was just a ploy to try to get me not to go to work, it was very cute and made the past 2 hours seem not so bad. Rogan, I love you, even when you're screaming your head off at me at 4:30 in the morning.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
The Bedtime Dance
It has to be me. Currently, if I'm in the house, I'm putting Rogan to bed. And I'm getting up in the middle of the night. 1) because Ryan doesn't hear him through the monitor and 2) because Rogan screams for me if he tries and it's harder to listen to that than just do it myself. But it's wearing on me. After 3 months, I'm tired. And now on top of it I'm uncomfortable and moody and don't want to be pregnant anymore. So I'm grumpy. And the dance that Rogan makes us do... Ugh! Moving me from one side of the bed to the other, rearranging pillows, blankie and then no blankie, talking, singing, sitting up, laying down, rolling, and heaven forbid there is a toy or stuffed animal to also throw into the mix. Oh, and occasionally he rolls with all his might and we bonk heads really hard, which sucks so bad. This dance the past few night has taken over 45 minutes. 45 min of me laying there uncomfortable, and I can't yell cause that won't help anything, so he just does his thing, and I'm stuck. Until he's asleep, then I pull my huge pregnant self off his bed and out the door. Not a fan.
Tonight just wasn't the night for it. I wasn't in the mood. I love you, but go to bed, and stop rolling on top of me and handing me pillows you demand to be put back where they were 2 seconds later. So now I'm an even more moody mess than I was before. Argh... Going to bed. Hopefully tomorrow I'm in a better mood.
Tonight just wasn't the night for it. I wasn't in the mood. I love you, but go to bed, and stop rolling on top of me and handing me pillows you demand to be put back where they were 2 seconds later. So now I'm an even more moody mess than I was before. Argh... Going to bed. Hopefully tomorrow I'm in a better mood.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Easter 2012
We had an early Easter lunch on Saturday with my family. I cooked ham, mashed potatoes, and made seven-layer salad and deviled eggs. Traditional easter faire. It's what we would have had if my Grandad was still around, and I like keeping up the tradition. My mom also brought fruit salad, rolls, and carrot cake. Pretty much everything was devoured. And Rogan sat and ate with us most of the time... though he only ate potatoes and bread. oh well.
After lunch Rogan played outside with my mom, and then took a nap with the other guys (my dad and Ryan slept too) while the women (my mom, sister, and I) went to the outlet mall. My sister got new Kate Spade gear, I looked but didn't buy a Coach Diaper bag, and we also stopped at Ralph Lauren and J. Crew for them. By the time we got home Rogan was up (he slept for over 2 hours!) and it was time for cake and egg coloring! Here are some highlights. I couldn't find the camera, so apologies on quality, these are from my phone. But some is better than none!
After lunch Rogan played outside with my mom, and then took a nap with the other guys (my dad and Ryan slept too) while the women (my mom, sister, and I) went to the outlet mall. My sister got new Kate Spade gear, I looked but didn't buy a Coach Diaper bag, and we also stopped at Ralph Lauren and J. Crew for them. By the time we got home Rogan was up (he slept for over 2 hours!) and it was time for cake and egg coloring! Here are some highlights. I couldn't find the camera, so apologies on quality, these are from my phone. But some is better than none!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Baby Month!
Well, hopefully. If I'm still pregnant in May... I will not be happy.
I'm now going to the OB twice a week, ugh, for NST's... non stress tests... where every time the baby moves I push a jeopardy button and they make sure his HR is going up and down with his movements. It's a minimum of 20 mins, could take a long time if the baby decides to take a nap. But so far he's been cooperative... and I like to nudge him to get him to move.
My ankles have vanished. Bye Bye shoes... hello flip flops. Flip flops that start the day nice and loose and comfy, and by 1pm are as tight as can be around my feet... and my little toes that were little to begin with are swallowed up by my huge feet. And it's not just my ankes, it really goes all the way up to my knees, if not farther. Elevating doesn't really do anything, going to ask for addition remedies tonight.
Getting to the point where i'm REALLY ready to not be pregnant anymore. I know he shouldn't come out YET... but if he wants to come out exactly at 37 weeks (which is technically full term), I definitely won't fight it. Hoping the induction isn't any later than 38.
Rogan is being a great big boy. He doesn't understand the concept of having a baby brother, but he will. And I think he'll transition ok. He's just glad he can play outside now. That's really his only goal in life right now. That, and watching Gabba or Dora.
We took him out to eat 2 weeks ago on a Friday night... BWW's. He was great! He sat with us the whole time and ate his food. I was a very proud mama. He did do a little talking/flirting with the group of girls behind us, but they didn't seem to mind. I'm thinking we'll take him out again this week or next to another family friendly place.
I'm now going to the OB twice a week, ugh, for NST's... non stress tests... where every time the baby moves I push a jeopardy button and they make sure his HR is going up and down with his movements. It's a minimum of 20 mins, could take a long time if the baby decides to take a nap. But so far he's been cooperative... and I like to nudge him to get him to move.
My ankles have vanished. Bye Bye shoes... hello flip flops. Flip flops that start the day nice and loose and comfy, and by 1pm are as tight as can be around my feet... and my little toes that were little to begin with are swallowed up by my huge feet. And it's not just my ankes, it really goes all the way up to my knees, if not farther. Elevating doesn't really do anything, going to ask for addition remedies tonight.
Getting to the point where i'm REALLY ready to not be pregnant anymore. I know he shouldn't come out YET... but if he wants to come out exactly at 37 weeks (which is technically full term), I definitely won't fight it. Hoping the induction isn't any later than 38.
Rogan is being a great big boy. He doesn't understand the concept of having a baby brother, but he will. And I think he'll transition ok. He's just glad he can play outside now. That's really his only goal in life right now. That, and watching Gabba or Dora.
We took him out to eat 2 weeks ago on a Friday night... BWW's. He was great! He sat with us the whole time and ate his food. I was a very proud mama. He did do a little talking/flirting with the group of girls behind us, but they didn't seem to mind. I'm thinking we'll take him out again this week or next to another family friendly place.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Rogan Prenatal Stats vs. Baby #2
Ok so I found Rogan's stats:
28 week growth ultrasound:
Rogan: 3lb 14oz
Baby #2: 3lb 7oz
32 week ultrasound either I didn't have one with Rogan (which I think is what happened) or I didn't write it down.
But I had one at 36 weeks, Rogan was estimated at 8lbs 2oz (though this is total crap, he was born 10 days later at 8lbs 6oz).
So we shall see what 36 weeks brings!
Rogan's funny comment from last night:
He loves to be pushed outside on his "cars" or his trike. Usually it's the trike. He's not really into pedalling, so he has been letting his shoes drag on the ground. This weekend Ryan told him a few times not to do that because he was hurting his shoes. I, though, didn't really care, he outgrows the shoes way faster than he could wear them out, but whatever.
Last night Rogan is on his trike and he tells me, "mom, I gonna hurt my shoes". meaning he wants me to push him while he's dragging his feet. I thought this was hilarious. My response: "well, at least you listen when daddy's talking.". Ha. At that moment Ryan got home too so he could hear Rogan tell of his desire to hurt his shoes too.
28 week growth ultrasound:
Rogan: 3lb 14oz
Baby #2: 3lb 7oz
32 week ultrasound either I didn't have one with Rogan (which I think is what happened) or I didn't write it down.
But I had one at 36 weeks, Rogan was estimated at 8lbs 2oz (though this is total crap, he was born 10 days later at 8lbs 6oz).
So we shall see what 36 weeks brings!
Rogan's funny comment from last night:
He loves to be pushed outside on his "cars" or his trike. Usually it's the trike. He's not really into pedalling, so he has been letting his shoes drag on the ground. This weekend Ryan told him a few times not to do that because he was hurting his shoes. I, though, didn't really care, he outgrows the shoes way faster than he could wear them out, but whatever.
Last night Rogan is on his trike and he tells me, "mom, I gonna hurt my shoes". meaning he wants me to push him while he's dragging his feet. I thought this was hilarious. My response: "well, at least you listen when daddy's talking.". Ha. At that moment Ryan got home too so he could hear Rogan tell of his desire to hurt his shoes too.
Baby #2 Update
Name Update:
Well I think we finally decided on a name... we've had the first for a while, it was the middle name that was giving us some trouble. Ryan liked one, I liked another. And in the end we decided to compromise since our 2nd favorite was the same. So I can cross that task off my list, as small as it may be. Most family knows, but it won't be revealed publicly until after he's here.
Growth Update:
As of yesterday Baby #2's head was the average size of a 35 week old, abdomen of a 34 week old, and legs of a 33 week old. (note he's really in between 32 and 33 weeks right now).
This is all very normal, and reminds me of Rogan. Rogan's legs lagged in ultrasound measurements too, and now he's the 90th% with long legs. So it doesn't mean much. Also, the last ultrasound we had with Rogan before he was born his head was "off the charts", since the growth chart only went up to 42 weeks, and he was supposedly above that. He ended up with a large, but not freakish head. So I take that measurement with a grain of salt as well. All it means to me is that baby #2 is growing a LOT like his older brother, and is healthy, which is priority 1.
All this sums up to an estimated weight of 5lbs 7oz right now. I WISH I could find Rogan's stats from this time. I know I have them somewhere. I will look today.
5-6 weeks left to go (hopefully).
Well I think we finally decided on a name... we've had the first for a while, it was the middle name that was giving us some trouble. Ryan liked one, I liked another. And in the end we decided to compromise since our 2nd favorite was the same. So I can cross that task off my list, as small as it may be. Most family knows, but it won't be revealed publicly until after he's here.
Growth Update:
As of yesterday Baby #2's head was the average size of a 35 week old, abdomen of a 34 week old, and legs of a 33 week old. (note he's really in between 32 and 33 weeks right now).
This is all very normal, and reminds me of Rogan. Rogan's legs lagged in ultrasound measurements too, and now he's the 90th% with long legs. So it doesn't mean much. Also, the last ultrasound we had with Rogan before he was born his head was "off the charts", since the growth chart only went up to 42 weeks, and he was supposedly above that. He ended up with a large, but not freakish head. So I take that measurement with a grain of salt as well. All it means to me is that baby #2 is growing a LOT like his older brother, and is healthy, which is priority 1.
All this sums up to an estimated weight of 5lbs 7oz right now. I WISH I could find Rogan's stats from this time. I know I have them somewhere. I will look today.
5-6 weeks left to go (hopefully).
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
3 for 3!!!
Rogan sleeping through the night, that is. Three nights, no interuptions. Amazing!
I checked the calendar this morning, and Rogan has been "crib free" since Jan 8, 2012. So the whole process took about 2 months, but he has done so well!
The past few nights I've heard him rustle in the night. Sometimes he says something, sometimes I just hear a lot of rolling around as he resituates. But the key is that he put himself back to sleep. He didn't get up looking for me, and didn't need me to make it through the night. He has been putting himself back to sleep by himself since he was 6 months old, so we know he knows how to do it. It was just a matter of him getting back in the habit in a new bed. And dealing with his newfound freedom.
On top of his awesome sleeping through the night, he is also sleeping LATER!! We are definitely back to after 6am, which is all I ask for. This morning according to Ryan was 7:15, which he has only done a handful of times. I think the new warm weather and running around outside is contributing to his better sleeping. He's certainly growing up.
I checked the calendar this morning, and Rogan has been "crib free" since Jan 8, 2012. So the whole process took about 2 months, but he has done so well!
The past few nights I've heard him rustle in the night. Sometimes he says something, sometimes I just hear a lot of rolling around as he resituates. But the key is that he put himself back to sleep. He didn't get up looking for me, and didn't need me to make it through the night. He has been putting himself back to sleep by himself since he was 6 months old, so we know he knows how to do it. It was just a matter of him getting back in the habit in a new bed. And dealing with his newfound freedom.
On top of his awesome sleeping through the night, he is also sleeping LATER!! We are definitely back to after 6am, which is all I ask for. This morning according to Ryan was 7:15, which he has only done a handful of times. I think the new warm weather and running around outside is contributing to his better sleeping. He's certainly growing up.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
ok, so he got a little distracted at the end by Yo Gabba Gabba... but Rogan CAN sing his entire ABC's. And usually he does so while banging on something, like he is here.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Rogan's 2 Year Old Stats
First, he serenaded the entire waiting room at the Dr.'s office with the ABC's... twice! what a little ham. He loves to perform, and loves to get praise for it. He was very proud of himself. He also enjoyed bouncing from one chair to another while we waited for our turn.
Weight: 29lbs 4oz... 70%ile
Height: 36" ... 90%ile
So he is right on track. He will be tall like Ryan, I think.
He was NOT a fan of the exam room. He wanted out and to run around. And he was very upset he wasn't getting his way. In my opinion the nurses and Dr were a little slower than normal, causing a longer wait, but it wouldn't have helped much if they were faster.
Rogan decided to pout, so he buried his face in my shoulder and stayed there. No singing for the Dr. No counting. No talking! The only thing he said was "i want to go that way", pointing to the door. oh well.
We confirmed he's healthy, and we have known for a while that he's very smart. He's talking at a 3 year old level. And the skills he knows, the entire ABC's, counting to 15, and some colors, shapes, etc are all 3 year old milestones. Go Rogan Go!
Weight: 29lbs 4oz... 70%ile
Height: 36" ... 90%ile
So he is right on track. He will be tall like Ryan, I think.
He was NOT a fan of the exam room. He wanted out and to run around. And he was very upset he wasn't getting his way. In my opinion the nurses and Dr were a little slower than normal, causing a longer wait, but it wouldn't have helped much if they were faster.
Rogan decided to pout, so he buried his face in my shoulder and stayed there. No singing for the Dr. No counting. No talking! The only thing he said was "i want to go that way", pointing to the door. oh well.
We confirmed he's healthy, and we have known for a while that he's very smart. He's talking at a 3 year old level. And the skills he knows, the entire ABC's, counting to 15, and some colors, shapes, etc are all 3 year old milestones. Go Rogan Go!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Baby #2 Update
He had his first "growth ultrasound" today to make sure everything is still on track. The tech and on mentioned me as being in my third trimester, and I totally forgot I was! Wow it's going fast.
But baby is great, about 3lbs 8oz, measuring on track with how Rogan was when I was pregnant with him. So we keep on keeping on...
Friday, February 17, 2012
Clever Boy
remember in Jurassic Park, where the park worker is hunting the velociraptors that escaped, and when he realized he's been hunted, and is about to be eaten he says, "clever girl", in this awesome british accent. That's how I'm saying the above title.
Rogan slept all night last night. YAY! though he refused to go to sleep for Ryan, who tried for an HOUR with no success starting at 8pm. I went up to take a turn at 9pm, thinking if I was Ryan I'd be about at the end of my rope (though he says he was fine), and he was fast asleep for me in 15 mins. He's definitely being a mama's boy right now. But I'm glad he went to bed, regardless.
He woke up at 5:07am... not cool! I tried to go in his room and get him to go back to bed. He wasn't having it. Instead he was out in the hall saying... "mommy?? glasses?? please??"
This is HILARIOUS to me. Because before we go downstairs in the morning I always say "ok, hang on, I have to get my glasses". His response is always "yay!! glasses!!", knowing that this means I'm awake and he's allowed to be awake too. So Rogan begging me to get my glasses this morning was just too clever. He was trying a different tact. Not the usual "i want gabba/blue/oso/mickey", or "i want juice", or "i want to go down there" (this being his go-to phrase). Now he realized that before any of those requests can be answered... glasses must be gotten. haha.
clever boy. at least he says please.
Rogan slept all night last night. YAY! though he refused to go to sleep for Ryan, who tried for an HOUR with no success starting at 8pm. I went up to take a turn at 9pm, thinking if I was Ryan I'd be about at the end of my rope (though he says he was fine), and he was fast asleep for me in 15 mins. He's definitely being a mama's boy right now. But I'm glad he went to bed, regardless.
He woke up at 5:07am... not cool! I tried to go in his room and get him to go back to bed. He wasn't having it. Instead he was out in the hall saying... "mommy?? glasses?? please??"
This is HILARIOUS to me. Because before we go downstairs in the morning I always say "ok, hang on, I have to get my glasses". His response is always "yay!! glasses!!", knowing that this means I'm awake and he's allowed to be awake too. So Rogan begging me to get my glasses this morning was just too clever. He was trying a different tact. Not the usual "i want gabba/blue/oso/mickey", or "i want juice", or "i want to go down there" (this being his go-to phrase). Now he realized that before any of those requests can be answered... glasses must be gotten. haha.
clever boy. at least he says please.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
oh Pinterest...
Pinterest and pregnancy... it should be illegal. When I was pregnant with Rogan, I wanted to do stuff around the house, but didn't know where to start.
Now, thanks to Pinterest, I not only have a starting point, but many, MANY ideas I want to do. And they are all organized on my "craft board" on Pinterest. Without it, my house would not have as many decorations, my wallet would have more money, and my husband wouldn't be rolling his eyes because I started another sentence with "so I saw on pinterest today...".
That I want to start:
too many to name.
In the works:
first floor guest bath new decor
pictures on back staircase
wall hanging in upstairs hallway
transferring a picture onto a canvas... not as easy as it looks, folks.
Family wall planner
and new tonight, our living room wall decor. check it out! the vaulted wall is not empty anymore!

This project was made using 8 8x10 wood frames, 8 pieces of scrapbook paper, and a "there's no place like home" wall sticker.
Now, thanks to Pinterest, I not only have a starting point, but many, MANY ideas I want to do. And they are all organized on my "craft board" on Pinterest. Without it, my house would not have as many decorations, my wallet would have more money, and my husband wouldn't be rolling his eyes because I started another sentence with "so I saw on pinterest today...".
That I want to start:
too many to name.
In the works:
first floor guest bath new decor
pictures on back staircase
wall hanging in upstairs hallway
transferring a picture onto a canvas... not as easy as it looks, folks.
Family wall planner
and new tonight, our living room wall decor. check it out! the vaulted wall is not empty anymore!
This project was made using 8 8x10 wood frames, 8 pieces of scrapbook paper, and a "there's no place like home" wall sticker.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
No More Crib!
Rogan officially has gotten rid of his crib, and as of Saturday night is sleeping in a full bed. Saturday afternoon, with Rogan's "help" (we wanted him to see what was happening and explain it to him), Ryan broke down the crib and we moved it into the other bedroom, what will be Baby #2's room, and moved the guest bed in for Rogan. He was very excited about his new bed. He and I went out to search for new "big boy" bedding.
So far it's been really good. And improvement from the open crib, since I can lay down with him. This was he goes right back to sleep, instead of whining that I'm not as close to him as he'd like. So what used to take 20 minutes+ in the middle of the night with me uncomfortable the whole time, now takes 5 minutes because I lay down next to him and he goes right back to sleep instantly and then I can sneak away. And I'm COMFORTABLE!! I'm laying right next to my big boy, and we are snuggled and cosy, it's awesome. So he still comes in to get me in the middle of the night. But (for now) there's no crying or fussing. It's a very calm and relaxed night in our house, which is what I want. I don't want the night to turn into something he's ever scared of or dreads because we aren't there. So I will do what he needs as long as he needs it. It's really not too much of a chore.
Tonight I will try to get a picture of Rogan in his new bed, with his new Cars sheets!!
So far it's been really good. And improvement from the open crib, since I can lay down with him. This was he goes right back to sleep, instead of whining that I'm not as close to him as he'd like. So what used to take 20 minutes+ in the middle of the night with me uncomfortable the whole time, now takes 5 minutes because I lay down next to him and he goes right back to sleep instantly and then I can sneak away. And I'm COMFORTABLE!! I'm laying right next to my big boy, and we are snuggled and cosy, it's awesome. So he still comes in to get me in the middle of the night. But (for now) there's no crying or fussing. It's a very calm and relaxed night in our house, which is what I want. I don't want the night to turn into something he's ever scared of or dreads because we aren't there. So I will do what he needs as long as he needs it. It's really not too much of a chore.
Tonight I will try to get a picture of Rogan in his new bed, with his new Cars sheets!!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Noodles & Co Penne Rosa ... AT HOME!!
I love the penna rosa at Noodles & Co. It's the best sauce, a little spicy, and great flavor. Top it with shrimp and I'm a very happy girl. But paying $7 for a bowl of pasta!?!? ugh. If I'm going out for pasta, I'd like it to either be really fancy, or have endless salad and breadsticks with it. So last night, I outsmarted Noodles & Co. Penna rosa at home, ready, go!

Note: Rogan wasn't a fan, but I reserved a few plain noodles for him with Ragu and he was a happy camper. :)
Step 1: Buy the SAUCE at Noodles & Co. I've tried to replicate it. In my opinion it can't be done. Stop trying. Anything I buy from the store will be just as un-homemade as what I buy at Noodles, so I went straight to the source. No, I don't want pasta or meat or veggies, I would like some sides of sauce!
Sides of sauce at Noodles cost $1 each. I bought 5 for 1lb of pasta, and I think it was a good ratio. Up it if you like more sauce.
So, sauce is done! for $5.00!!
extra ingredients:
Sliced mushrooms: $2
bunch of baby spinach: $1.50
1lb whole wheat penne: $1.50
shredded cheese of your choice... we used asiago.
meat of your choice... we used chicken that night, the pre-cooked breast cut into strips in the freezer section are great for this.
Without meat or cheese, this meal is $10!! Considering I was paying 70% of that for 20% (or less) of a portion, I'm pretty happy about that.
So to put it all together:
Boil pasta, while pasta is boiling sautee mushrooms until tender in a Tbsp of butter and Tbsp olive oil, add spinach leaves to wilt. Add meat (frozen is fine, it will thaw in the sauce), and sauce and bring to a simmer. When pasta is almost done ladle about 1/4-1/2 cup of pasta water into sauce to thin it out. Drain pasta just shy of done. Combine pasta and thinned sauce and heat over medium heat to let pasta finish cooking in the sauce. Sauce with thicken in this process. Sprinkle with your favorite cheese and EAT!!!

Note: Rogan wasn't a fan, but I reserved a few plain noodles for him with Ragu and he was a happy camper. :)
This meal fed Ryan and I for dinner, then ample leftovers for another dinner or lunches to take to work.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Appreciating Rogan
Sometimes this is easy, and sometimes this is hard. I'm sure many people can relate. We live with a very stubborn, very smart, and very cute (most of the time) almost 2-year old. This means:
He will throw fits
He will insist on having things his way. -mommy i want your hand HERE!!!
He will do things on his terms -rogan do you want a blankie? -no, i want a blankie. -ok
He will respond NO before you finish the question, then think about it, then give you the real answer.
He will come get you in the middle of the night.
The last one is what I've been struggling with for the past month. What to do, how to handle him, and trying to do what's best for him in the long run. And there are no clear answers out there.
We are not letting Rogan sleep in our bed, so we take him back to his bed. Occasionally I've tried to lay with him in the guest bed (since he wants to sleep ON ME), but more and more he wants to be in his room. Which is GREAT!! We have been trying to get him attached to his room, so it's our own doing. But I cannot lay in the toddler bed with him, so either we end up on the floor, in the chair, swaying, or me leaning uncomfortably over him.
Last night it took 2 hours for him to go to sleep again. and he threw in a fit in the middle to keep things interesting. No Rogan, you do not get to go downstairs for juice in the middle of the night. If you are thirsty, here is a drink of water. Yelling, crying, and hitting ensued. But eventually he took a drink of water, calmed down, and was back in bed. Though I left too quickly and he got up 60 seconds after I left, and we started all over. This time no fit, and I stayed to make sure he was passed out. So I crawled back into bed at 4:40am. My alarm went off at 5:30am, and I'm a little sluggish today. The hot shower I took was amazing. Just me, the water, and a calming surrounding. And as I got ready and headed out the door he was still asleep. I haven't heard from Ryan yet this morning... I should soon. I'm hoping he slept for a while to catch up.
So in the 2 hours of quality time last night, while I wasn't HAPPY about it, I had some time to ponder the situation we are in. What it came down to was Rogan just wants to be near me. And I'm becoming ok with that. We taught him as an infant to self soothe and he cried in the middle of the night because he didn't get a bottle, but it was 3 nights and then he slept through great. Do we do that now? how so? lock his door? gate it? hmm, I dont like either of those options. I'd rather put him back in bed, stay for a few minutes to make sure he's good to go, and leave. Of course a few minutes last night was 2 hours. But eventually he will get the point. We are also trying to back up a little each night so we are not right with him, but still in the room. Eventually the goal is to be out of the room. But I know we are a little away from that.
So we have some sleepless nights in the future... I'm sleeping less now than I did when he was an infant! But I think he needs this, and eventually he will sleep all night. And eventually I'm sure I will miss these 2:30am cuddles.
He will throw fits
He will insist on having things his way. -mommy i want your hand HERE!!!
He will do things on his terms -rogan do you want a blankie? -no, i want a blankie. -ok
He will respond NO before you finish the question, then think about it, then give you the real answer.
He will come get you in the middle of the night.
The last one is what I've been struggling with for the past month. What to do, how to handle him, and trying to do what's best for him in the long run. And there are no clear answers out there.
We are not letting Rogan sleep in our bed, so we take him back to his bed. Occasionally I've tried to lay with him in the guest bed (since he wants to sleep ON ME), but more and more he wants to be in his room. Which is GREAT!! We have been trying to get him attached to his room, so it's our own doing. But I cannot lay in the toddler bed with him, so either we end up on the floor, in the chair, swaying, or me leaning uncomfortably over him.
Last night it took 2 hours for him to go to sleep again. and he threw in a fit in the middle to keep things interesting. No Rogan, you do not get to go downstairs for juice in the middle of the night. If you are thirsty, here is a drink of water. Yelling, crying, and hitting ensued. But eventually he took a drink of water, calmed down, and was back in bed. Though I left too quickly and he got up 60 seconds after I left, and we started all over. This time no fit, and I stayed to make sure he was passed out. So I crawled back into bed at 4:40am. My alarm went off at 5:30am, and I'm a little sluggish today. The hot shower I took was amazing. Just me, the water, and a calming surrounding. And as I got ready and headed out the door he was still asleep. I haven't heard from Ryan yet this morning... I should soon. I'm hoping he slept for a while to catch up.
So in the 2 hours of quality time last night, while I wasn't HAPPY about it, I had some time to ponder the situation we are in. What it came down to was Rogan just wants to be near me. And I'm becoming ok with that. We taught him as an infant to self soothe and he cried in the middle of the night because he didn't get a bottle, but it was 3 nights and then he slept through great. Do we do that now? how so? lock his door? gate it? hmm, I dont like either of those options. I'd rather put him back in bed, stay for a few minutes to make sure he's good to go, and leave. Of course a few minutes last night was 2 hours. But eventually he will get the point. We are also trying to back up a little each night so we are not right with him, but still in the room. Eventually the goal is to be out of the room. But I know we are a little away from that.
So we have some sleepless nights in the future... I'm sleeping less now than I did when he was an infant! But I think he needs this, and eventually he will sleep all night. And eventually I'm sure I will miss these 2:30am cuddles.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
DIY Craft - Hanging Weekly Planner
I got this idea from pintrest.com, a new website I'm currently addicted to. If I had unlimited resources my house would be completely transformed. But since that's sadly not the case, I'll be happy doing some litle things around the house - like filling these empty walls we still have after almost living here 3 years, and finding new recipes.
I've ordered a few things on Amazon, not everything on pintrest is DIY, so those will come later once I've gotten them, but this DIY craft was something I really thought we could use, and I was in the mood for a craft night.
Thanks to Ryan for running around with Rogan while I was doing this, it is much appreciated. Sometimes a little bit of craftiness is all a girl needs to recharge.
Here are my supplies:
9 5x7 photo frame: $19.99
scrapbooking paper: $12.99 (expensive!! since i'm not a scrapbooker this was a surprise, but I used more than I thought I would, but have leftovers)
2 sheets of letters: $1.99 each
command strips for wall hanging: $3.50
dry-erase markers: $2.00
so if my math adds, that's a total of $42.50, not a steal, but not horrible. But if I would have purchased the same personalized end product, plus shipping, I'm guessing it would have been more than that. So for my first adventure, I'll take it.

To make the planner I cut 5x7 sheets from the scrapbook paper, used the letters to assign the days (I could have used a printer too, but the letters were sparkly!!).

Place the paper in the frames. the 2 extra squares I designated to groceries and a decoritive personal square in the middle. once it's finished and hung you use the dry erase marker on the glass to write your menu or upcoming events for that week.
Here is how it turned out!
Note: the command strip at the bottom right of the middle square is covering Baby #2's name... I tentatively put it on there, but not ready to commit or tell to the world.
I've ordered a few things on Amazon, not everything on pintrest is DIY, so those will come later once I've gotten them, but this DIY craft was something I really thought we could use, and I was in the mood for a craft night.
Thanks to Ryan for running around with Rogan while I was doing this, it is much appreciated. Sometimes a little bit of craftiness is all a girl needs to recharge.
Here are my supplies:
9 5x7 photo frame: $19.99
scrapbooking paper: $12.99 (expensive!! since i'm not a scrapbooker this was a surprise, but I used more than I thought I would, but have leftovers)
2 sheets of letters: $1.99 each
command strips for wall hanging: $3.50
dry-erase markers: $2.00
so if my math adds, that's a total of $42.50, not a steal, but not horrible. But if I would have purchased the same personalized end product, plus shipping, I'm guessing it would have been more than that. So for my first adventure, I'll take it.
To make the planner I cut 5x7 sheets from the scrapbook paper, used the letters to assign the days (I could have used a printer too, but the letters were sparkly!!).
Place the paper in the frames. the 2 extra squares I designated to groceries and a decoritive personal square in the middle. once it's finished and hung you use the dry erase marker on the glass to write your menu or upcoming events for that week.
Here is how it turned out!
Aren't Almost-2-Year-Olds Supposed to Sleep More Than This???
last night Rogan crashed at 7:30. We were going to have a bath, he was terrible and resistant. Then his head was on my shoulder, then his eyes were closed. You get the picture.
So we went to bed. He is amazing at going to bed. No peeps, goes right down. But if he wakes up, watch out!!
He woke up at 8:30, crying. Nightmare? Stuck under the blankets? who knows, but he was up. I managed to put him back to sleep in his bed with little trouble. And being the sneaky mom I am, I wedged his large puppy he sleeps with between him and the crib with the puppy arm over him to simulate me sleeping next to him. (one of my smarter moves, I think).
Ryan slept in the guest room, convinced he'd wake up before too long, and was ready to intercept him. But he slept...
Ryan came back into bed around 3:45am, and Rogan woke up 10 minutes later. Just our luck. Ryan tried to get him to sleep with him in the guest room, but I could hear the wails down the hall. So I went in, he calmed down, and we started to rock in his room.
Then... in the darkness... he's pointing to something on the floor, saying "I want that one". No idea what it is, I can barely see!! a sippy? a blanket? a stuffed animal? no... it's a TOY. WHAT?!?! it is 4 in the morning?!?! but he really wanted to play with it. we sat in the dark and played (it's a box with the beads you wind through the metal maze like you find at Dr. offices). I told him it was 4am, but he didn't care. argh.
Then it was time to go downstairs to watch Yo Gabba Gabba. Seriously? I can sleep through a lot, but this show isn't one of them. So we sat, and we watched. At 5am I asked Ryan to switch with me since he was asleep, this would let me get a solid 30 minutes before my alarm! And he got up quickly, but Rogan was furious with the change. Screaming for me, which does no one any good. He's upset, Ryan's getting screamed at, and I can't sleep. So back down I went. And after a little time with both of us I snuck upstairs at 5:30, and decided I didn't need a shower, those 10 minutes were going towards laying in bed in the silence.
So I'm sleepy, Ryan is sleepy. I have to imagine Rogan is sleepy.
last night Rogan crashed at 7:30. We were going to have a bath, he was terrible and resistant. Then his head was on my shoulder, then his eyes were closed. You get the picture.
So we went to bed. He is amazing at going to bed. No peeps, goes right down. But if he wakes up, watch out!!
He woke up at 8:30, crying. Nightmare? Stuck under the blankets? who knows, but he was up. I managed to put him back to sleep in his bed with little trouble. And being the sneaky mom I am, I wedged his large puppy he sleeps with between him and the crib with the puppy arm over him to simulate me sleeping next to him. (one of my smarter moves, I think).
Ryan slept in the guest room, convinced he'd wake up before too long, and was ready to intercept him. But he slept...
Ryan came back into bed around 3:45am, and Rogan woke up 10 minutes later. Just our luck. Ryan tried to get him to sleep with him in the guest room, but I could hear the wails down the hall. So I went in, he calmed down, and we started to rock in his room.
Then... in the darkness... he's pointing to something on the floor, saying "I want that one". No idea what it is, I can barely see!! a sippy? a blanket? a stuffed animal? no... it's a TOY. WHAT?!?! it is 4 in the morning?!?! but he really wanted to play with it. we sat in the dark and played (it's a box with the beads you wind through the metal maze like you find at Dr. offices). I told him it was 4am, but he didn't care. argh.
Then it was time to go downstairs to watch Yo Gabba Gabba. Seriously? I can sleep through a lot, but this show isn't one of them. So we sat, and we watched. At 5am I asked Ryan to switch with me since he was asleep, this would let me get a solid 30 minutes before my alarm! And he got up quickly, but Rogan was furious with the change. Screaming for me, which does no one any good. He's upset, Ryan's getting screamed at, and I can't sleep. So back down I went. And after a little time with both of us I snuck upstairs at 5:30, and decided I didn't need a shower, those 10 minutes were going towards laying in bed in the silence.
So I'm sleepy, Ryan is sleepy. I have to imagine Rogan is sleepy.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Bedtime Update
So it's been a little while since I gave an update about bedtime. Rogan still has his freedom. And that will definitely not change. He has done a great job, all things considered. Last week we had 5 straight nights of him not getting up in the middle of the night and sleeping past 5:30. Great! Then he caught some kind of bug, and was sick with a cough/mild fever for 2 nights. One he got up several times, the other he got up at 10pm and slept with us the whole night propped up so he didn't get as clogged up. But we don't want to make a habit of this. So last night he was back in his bed, and slept until 4:30am. not terrible, but he went to bed too early because he was recovering, so an early wake up was kind of expected. Yawn. He will be going to bed later tonight if things go the right way.
But he is a ROCKSTAR at bedtime. We no longer have to be in there until he falls asleep. Last night I was sure he was going to come bolting out the door. After I left he was asking for me playfully. "MOMMY!!!, where ARE YOU!!" was said several times, and we could hear him talking to himself. But he never got up! he went to bed on his own (after we brushed teeth, rocked, and I tucked him in, of course). So that part of the routine is great, now we just need to perfect the morning routine and we will be all set.
He's still in his crib mattress, but we want to switch him to the full bed and use the crib for baby #2. Still debating on the best time to bring the bed into his room. Maybe birthday time?
But he is a ROCKSTAR at bedtime. We no longer have to be in there until he falls asleep. Last night I was sure he was going to come bolting out the door. After I left he was asking for me playfully. "MOMMY!!!, where ARE YOU!!" was said several times, and we could hear him talking to himself. But he never got up! he went to bed on his own (after we brushed teeth, rocked, and I tucked him in, of course). So that part of the routine is great, now we just need to perfect the morning routine and we will be all set.
He's still in his crib mattress, but we want to switch him to the full bed and use the crib for baby #2. Still debating on the best time to bring the bed into his room. Maybe birthday time?
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Hurray for Rogan!!
4 nights! 4 nights of uninterupted sleep. Sure there is the occasional whisper in the middle of the night as he rolls over and gets comfortable. But there has been no leaving the room, no coming to get mommy until "morning". Hurray for Rogan! By George I think he's got it!!
We now need to work on pushing his bedtime back a bit. Usually it's between 7 and 7:30, but I think we need to be thinking that 7:30 is the earliest from now on. Because he has been getting up before 6am since we took his crib down. (In the crib he would wake up but 4 out of 5 times go back to sleep for a bit)
This morning it was 5:35am, and I was in the shower. I had a little man waiting outside the shower glass for me to finish up. And he wasn't happy that I was wet and had to dry off before I could follow through with his "uppy!!" request.
So tonight will hopefully be a little later bedtime, but a good night again. Thursday nights we have tumbling class, 40 minutes of running and jumping, which is GREAT and it wears him out. Plus it doesn't get over until 7 so he automatically goes to bed a bit later that night.
Thank you Rogan for being such and awesome little boy and making the transition from your crib incredibly smoothe all things considered. I love you and am very proud of you!
We now need to work on pushing his bedtime back a bit. Usually it's between 7 and 7:30, but I think we need to be thinking that 7:30 is the earliest from now on. Because he has been getting up before 6am since we took his crib down. (In the crib he would wake up but 4 out of 5 times go back to sleep for a bit)
This morning it was 5:35am, and I was in the shower. I had a little man waiting outside the shower glass for me to finish up. And he wasn't happy that I was wet and had to dry off before I could follow through with his "uppy!!" request.
So tonight will hopefully be a little later bedtime, but a good night again. Thursday nights we have tumbling class, 40 minutes of running and jumping, which is GREAT and it wears him out. Plus it doesn't get over until 7 so he automatically goes to bed a bit later that night.
Thank you Rogan for being such and awesome little boy and making the transition from your crib incredibly smoothe all things considered. I love you and am very proud of you!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Shh! Dont jinx it!
The last two nights have been perfect! Rogan went to bed easily, and didn't get up in the middle of the night. Night one he got up at 6:30am, which is awesome. This morning it was 5:40am, but right now I'm calling anything after 5:30 a successful night.
We still have the monitor in his room, so we know he woke il a few times, he would say that he wants mommy, the ipad, or elmo. But these were quiet whispers and he went back to sleep on his own, which I'm so proud of.
Rogan got lots of praise for his "good nite nights" and staying in his bed all night like a big boy. I think he knows he's doing a good job. He's waking up in a great mood. Love my big boy.
We still have the monitor in his room, so we know he woke il a few times, he would say that he wants mommy, the ipad, or elmo. But these were quiet whispers and he went back to sleep on his own, which I'm so proud of.
Rogan got lots of praise for his "good nite nights" and staying in his bed all night like a big boy. I think he knows he's doing a good job. He's waking up in a great mood. Love my big boy.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Night 4 update
A much better night tonight! Ryan put him to bed for the first time since the crib wall came off. Maybe it was that it was daddy, maybe he was super tired, maybe he just understood what was going on, but it was great.
It took about 20 minutes, and he did get back up once, went to the door, Ryan was waiting there and when it opened Rogan took his hand and led him back to him bed. So at least he wants to be there, he just doesn't want to be alone. I'll take that.
After a few more minutes of laying close to him Ryan left and shut the door. There was some whining. He called for mommy a few times, but didn't get up. I thought he would get up at any moment. I was preparing to start all over. But no! He went to sleep! That is huge in my book. Sometimes calling for mommy is so second nature to him he will say it even when he doesn't mean it, it's his go-to word. He does it in his sleep too.
Now he is sleeping quietly. Also, he got up at 5:22am this morning. So still early, but better. For me this wasn't too big of a deal since I get up at 5:30, but Ryan usually sleeps until almost 6, so it was an adjustment for him.
I think Ryan and I decided we can't go back to a crib now. And it's not like he's getting up a ton in the middle of the night, never! or even tht it takes a long time to go to bed. He's a really easy kid. At any age it will be an adjustment, so I think we will stick to it.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Ugh... That was a long bedtime.
Night #3 of Rogan having no crib wall, and I'm starting to doubt that this was a good idea.
Bedtime ritual from start to finish was over 30 minutes tonight.
Brush teeth
Nite nite and kisses for daddy
Then Rogan and I go to his room, turn on his music, and start to rock in the chair
We rock for 1 song, about 4 minutes, and then I usually lay him down.
For the past 3 nights I've been rocking him a little longer, but not much.
Now instead of laying down, saying I love you, and walking out, I have to lay next to him.
Which I did for a few mins, then walked out... But he got up and followed... This happened twice. Argh.
So we started over, rock rock... Lay down, this time me with my face covered at the foot of his bed so he can't see my face or touch me, but I'm there.
And after 5 mins of being folded in half on his mattress, he's out, and I sneak away.
Since this morning he was up at 4am, I'm hoping for 6am or later... If not that crib front might be going back up.
No More Crib!
Well, 3 of the 4 sides are still there. But he's no longer a caged little boy. He can get up when he wants. Most of me likes this thought. He's almost 2, he's very verbal, there is no reason he should be forced to stay in there longer than he wants. But the small part of me really enjoyed having that boundary. But it was time, we are not buying another crib, so before baby #2 comes, Rogan will be in a big bed.

We took off the front and put up a guard rail Sunday morning. Sunday nap was normal and great, Sunday bedtime took a little longer than normal to put down (maybe 20 minutes instead of 10) but still great and he slept until 6am, which is fine. When he woke up he opened his door himself and came down the hall and I met him at our bedroom door. (we still have the monitor in his room so I could hear him get up and leave)
Yesterday's nap (he was home with me sick) was again fine. Slept for an hour, can't complain, and last night he went to bed even better than the first. Maybe 15 minutes. And he wasn't totally asleep when I left...
BUT he decided to wake up at 4am. And instead of whining for a few minutes and going back to sleep like he would have done in a crib, he came and got me. Luckily he was still quite sleepy, but laying him back in his crib he just stared at me and thought it was really fun that Mommy and Rogan were having a sleepover. Rocking in the chair also wasn't working, he kept kicking his legs while we rocked, which is his "tell" when he's not asleep on my shoulder. Asleep = the kicking stops. So after almost an hour we moved to the guest bed, which will be his bed very soon and that will be a much better situation. After 15 minutes of rolling around he got comfortable enough using me as a pillow. He fell fast asleep, but then my alarm went off for work at 5:30am, and I woke up, and he woke up, which totally upset me since we could have kept sleeping since I went in late to work and he went late to daycare to make sure he was over his stomach bug. argh. yawn.
But he is such a cutie, and has my heart completely. waking up at 4am is worth it for the right guy.
Rogan helped change Brobie's diaper yesterday. He was quite proud of himself. Rogan has quite the imagination and likes to give Brobie drinks of his sippy and bites of his food. I'm going to use this to my advantage. Brobie is going to start sitting on the potty soon. hehehe.

Monday, January 2, 2012
He has quite a few "sayings" that he's picked up from various places. New ones this holiday season are "where are you?" usually referring to the cats or a parent. The other new One he started today is "gimme a minute", while holding up a hand with his fingers stretched like he's telling you to halt. I was curious about this one until I saw Ryan laughing. When Rogan asks for something he will keep asking for it in increasing severity until it is given (or he's told no), so to abate the constant pestering Ryan requently tells Rogan "ok, give me a minute" while holding out his hand just like Rogan did. Today we were in the family room playing all three of us, Rogan gets up, walks to the bathroom, turns, says "gimme a minute" and goes in the bathroom and shut the door. This obviously happened about 20 more times. Since we were smiling and saying "ok" to him each time. But I could tell he felt like such a big boy saying and acting just like Daddy. Very cute.
Another very sweet moment was when Rogan needed help with a new Cars iPad app. It's more of a Super Mario-like game with the cars. If you don't jump correctly you drive into water, and you collect coins, well they are actually car parts, along the way. Reminds me of my childhood. Rogan likes jumping, but needs assistance to get anywhere productive in it, which is fine. I was resting on the couch, and I could hear him start playing this game next to me. And every 20 seconds, an "oh no! Water!" came out of his mouth. Ryan hadn't seen the game yet, and I was laying down so I told Rogan to ask daddy to help him get past the water, which he did very nicely. Ryan helped him while Rogan looked on loving it. When they had finished the level (level 1, haha) Rogan was very excited and gave Ryan a huge hug! It was so cute. I wish I had it on video. He was so proud of what he and his dad did.... Ok well mostly dad. I think Ryan will play that game even without Rogan, it's pretty fun for all!
Another very sweet moment was when Rogan needed help with a new Cars iPad app. It's more of a Super Mario-like game with the cars. If you don't jump correctly you drive into water, and you collect coins, well they are actually car parts, along the way. Reminds me of my childhood. Rogan likes jumping, but needs assistance to get anywhere productive in it, which is fine. I was resting on the couch, and I could hear him start playing this game next to me. And every 20 seconds, an "oh no! Water!" came out of his mouth. Ryan hadn't seen the game yet, and I was laying down so I told Rogan to ask daddy to help him get past the water, which he did very nicely. Ryan helped him while Rogan looked on loving it. When they had finished the level (level 1, haha) Rogan was very excited and gave Ryan a huge hug! It was so cute. I wish I had it on video. He was so proud of what he and his dad did.... Ok well mostly dad. I think Ryan will play that game even without Rogan, it's pretty fun for all!
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