Sunday, September 26, 2010

Rogan is 7 Months Today!

Here are my skills:

I can sit so well and love to chew on my rings!

I can hang out on my tummy and pivot around in a circle...

I can't crawl... yet! COMING SOON!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Swimming and TV

Went to swim lessons with Rogan again last night. After he gets used to the water he has a really good time. We splash, kick, play with squirty toys, and sing songs. It's tons of fun. He smiles at the other kids in class (who are all a little older than him). But I think he really likes it and it's stimulating for him. It's 30 minutes, and not once has he fussed. Though my mom thinks he's too young, I really like going and doing something different with him. It's not like I'm dunking him under water or throwing him off a diving board... we're just playing.

YAY for new TV!!! It's been a long summer without it. And for anyone who knows me even a little, they know that I love love love tv. Rogan goes to sleep around 7, so it's perfect timing to catch primetime TV!! if you haven't watched it, watch/DVR The Middle, Modern Family, and Cougartown tonight on ABC. I will be sitting down with a nice glass of wine and enjoying it tonight.

Today marks the 2 week mark since Rogan got his first tooth... come on tooth number 2!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Ryan and Tracey ... the past 4 years

Dating... spring break 2007 in San Antonio

Engagement photos October 2007

Wedding 9/20/2008

And Rogan makes 3!!! June 2010

The Snot Monster

Rogan has had several colds in the past 6 months. I remember his first being pretty bad… looking at my poor 10 week old all stuffed up not being able to communicate “blow!!”. We propped up his crib, ran humidifiers with special baby vicks inserts, and he got over it in time. Since then he has had very mild forms of colds… sniffles, a little cough, but nothing sever.

Then on Friday morning the snot monster came for a visit. How much snot can be in his little (well, not so little) head?!? Friday morning we were all getting ready, Rogan was sitting in the middle of our bed. We heard a sneeze, looked over, and a panel of snot covered his mouth and chin… it was very Sci-Fi, I couldn’t help but smile as Rogan tries to lick it away so he can have a mouth opening again. But ack! So this weekend we made sure to have tissues and wetones on hand at all time.

The kid was a trooper though. We went to Champaign for the Illini game on Saturday, he slept well in the car, and stayed with my mom while we went to the game. Even though I could tell he wasn’t 100%, he was mellow and totally let us cart him around without too much fuss.

We are so lucky to have such a mellow, happy boy. We went to the outlet mall yesterday to get him some fall clothes and a jacket and shoes I can leave at his daycare, and so many people commented about how happy he is. If you smile, he will smile back… plain and simple. My mom had him look at pictures of Ryan and I around her house, and he’d smile when he’d see the picture… he’s also smile when he saw Kara’s picture, or anyone else smiling. It’s his thing.

And today is our 2nd anniversary… and in 3 weeks it will be 4 years since we met… in that time we’ve gotten engaged, Ryan started a new job, we moved to an apt together, got married, bought a house, bought all the stuff that comes with buying a house, and had a baby. We’ve packed a lot of monumental events into a short time period! WHEW! It has certainly kept life exciting. We are so happy to be together, and now are enjoying the calm that has come after all these major events. Time where the three of us can relax and be a family together in our home. Playing with Rogan on the floor, walking around our neighborhood, or enjoying tv/xbox and a beer after he goes to bed. Today especially reminds me how lucky I am, and how great I have it. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Gearing up for the Weekend!

ILL-INI!!! We're heading down to Champaign for the Illini game tomorrow. I'm excited since we haven't been to Champaign since June. My mom is staying with Rogan while Ryan, my dad, and I go to the game. Should be a pretty mellow day. The 2+ hour drive is almost the perfect distance for Rogan to get a good nap without being fussy. THEN... if he goes to sleep on time Ryan and I might catch a late movie, then back to Naperville early Sunday for a day of much needed cleeeeeeaning. Laundry... must do (and put AWAY!!!) laundry.

Not too much is new in Rogan-world... we are moving right along introducing him to all the vegetables, and we'll start fruits really soon. So far we haven't come across anything he won't eat. Peas, green beans, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes... all good! Every day we get closer and closer to crawling, but so far going forward remains a mystery. He is a PRO at turning in circles, though. His new thing at bedtime to get himself comfortable he spins himself so he's facing the opposite way and falls asleep on his blanket, with his legs completely sticking out of the crib where his head should be. It's a tricky task turning him around without waking him... but by then he's usually fast asleep and doesn't mind one bit.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


At the Sigfried and Roy Tiger/Dolphin Habitat. We got 5 feet from a Dolphin. Very cool. (BTW this is the only picture of us together... we didn't take many pics on this trip, mostly because the camera was in my purse the whole time, which we lovingly refer to as "the abyss").
At the Tiger habitat at the Mirage... baby white tigers. So cute!
The atrium of our hotel... very soothing when you don't pay attention to the slot machines next to it.

Ah the Venetian... my favorite to look at. And it was right across the street from where we stayed.Took the monorail south to the MGM Grand one morning. The trouble I've found in going to Vegas, especially when you are the parent of a 6 month old... I'm very used to getting up at 5:30am CST... which is 3:30am Las Vegas time... so Ryan and I definitely made the most of our mornings when 90% of the people there were either walking back and hadn't been to bed yet, or fast asleep. I though this expression was better than smiling... don't know why. It was early, and I was in a goofy mood.


Before we left for vacation on Wednesday, we discovered Rogan's first tooth. It's the bottom left one. Just a little white nub right now. I think he's working pretty hard to cut the other one now, so I think we'll see that one in the next week or so.

Monday, September 6, 2010

We Made It To The Park!!!

Swinging was a great success!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


We've had great weather this weekend, and Rogan was being fussy inside... so we decided what a perfect time to head to the park! It's probably a 10 minute walk, to the park at his future elementary school. They have baby swings and little slides, tons of fun for him now and in the future. We got all packed up (yes, mom, he's wearing SPF100), and we headed out...

Apparently Rogan had other plans for this morning... a nap. We realized pulling up to the park, that our child was comatose. Never wake a sleeping baby. So we just turned around and went home. Weather permitting, we'll try again tomorrow.

Friday, September 3, 2010


I think he's got it... by george I think he's got it! Two nights in a row now Rogan has slept through the night. He's going to bed earlier than we ideally would want, but it's so are to keep a sleepy baby awake and happy. So he has been going to sleep between 7 and 7:30... we'd like to push it to 8 is possible. Up until Friday, Rogan would wake up, cry, and we would feed him. This is exactly what he wanted, so he would eat for 10 mins (if that) and then go right back to sleep. Then he would wake up at 5 again, cry, and we would move him to the swing... he would be rocked back to sleep and stay there until at least 6.

At his 6 month checkup, we told the doc that he is still not sleeping through the night... I explained his schedule, and he told us what we already knew. Rogan does NOT need to eat in the middle of the night! All people wake up 2-3 times a night, but we roll over and go right back to sleep. Rogan has to learn that when he wakes up, he's safe in his crib, and he needs to roll over and go back to bed. We started that night. No more food.

Each night got persistantly better... we could tell he was making progress, so we stuck with it. There was never a night where he was crying for a long time, and we did go in, patted him on the back, turned his bedtime music on, did what we could to soothe him, we just didn't give him a bottle.

Well the past 2 nights he's slept uniterupted until 5:45am! And even when he wakes up in the morning, he just starts cooing and talking to himself and has a big smile when we come get him. YESS!! NO CRYING! I think he might sleep even longer this weekend, cause I think he can hear when our alarms start going off and that wakes him up.

So excited. Why didn't we do this sooner! Ryan and I are really enjoying our new found sleep. Even though I woke up at 3am last night out of habit, and didnt go back to sleep until 4am... I'm so proud of my little man!

... of course now I've jinxed it, and he'll be up 12 times tonight.