Rogan has had several colds in the past 6 months. I remember his first being pretty bad… looking at my poor 10 week old all stuffed up not being able to communicate “blow!!”. We propped up his crib, ran humidifiers with special baby vicks inserts, and he got over it in time. Since then he has had very mild forms of colds… sniffles, a little cough, but nothing sever.
Then on Friday morning the snot monster came for a visit. How much snot can be in his little (well, not so little) head?!? Friday morning we were all getting ready, Rogan was sitting in the middle of our bed. We heard a sneeze, looked over, and a panel of snot covered his mouth and chin… it was very Sci-Fi, I couldn’t help but smile as Rogan tries to lick it away so he can have a mouth opening again. But ack! So this weekend we made sure to have tissues and wetones on hand at all time.
The kid was a trooper though. We went to Champaign for the Illini game on Saturday, he slept well in the car, and stayed with my mom while we went to the game. Even though I could tell he wasn’t 100%, he was mellow and totally let us cart him around without too much fuss.
We are so lucky to have such a mellow, happy boy. We went to the outlet mall yesterday to get him some fall clothes and a jacket and shoes I can leave at his daycare, and so many people commented about how happy he is. If you smile, he will smile back… plain and simple. My mom had him look at pictures of Ryan and I around her house, and he’d smile when he’d see the picture… he’s also smile when he saw Kara’s picture, or anyone else smiling. It’s his thing.
And today is our 2nd anniversary… and in 3 weeks it will be 4 years since we met… in that time we’ve gotten engaged, Ryan started a new job, we moved to an apt together, got married, bought a house, bought all the stuff that comes with buying a house, and had a baby. We’ve packed a lot of monumental events into a short time period! WHEW! It has certainly kept life exciting. We are so happy to be together, and now are enjoying the calm that has come after all these major events. Time where the three of us can relax and be a family together in our home. Playing with Rogan on the floor, walking around our neighborhood, or enjoying tv/xbox and a beer after he goes to bed. Today especially reminds me how lucky I am, and how great I have it. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!